[Tex/LaTex] How to change font-size of title text using \makeatletter


I tried to change the size of my title, and found this: How can I change the font size of the authors and the affiliation in Latex?, but I was unable to do it because an error message kept popping up that said:

No \title given. [...{\fontsize{40pt}{49.2pt}\selectfont\@title]

Any help would be welcome!

Here is my code so far:



{\LARGE \@title}{\fontsize{40pt}{49.2pt}\selectfont\@title}{}{}

    \node [text=white] {\normalfont \Large \bfseries #1};
      \node [text=white,inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt] (textnode) {\normalfont \Large \bfseries #1};
      \shade[path fading=tikztitle,fit fading=false,left color=green,right color=black]
      (textnode.south west) rectangle (textnode.north east);

\title{\tikztextbf{The logic of tautologies!!}} 



Best Answer

Just change

\normalfont \Large \bfseries



or whatever you wish it to be.

{\LARGE \@title}{\fontsize{40pt}{49.2pt}\selectfont\@title}{}{}

This tells LaTeX to do the following:

  1. Switch to \LARGE.
  2. Typeset the title.
  3. Switch to 40pt font with 49.2pt baseline skip.
  4. Typeset the title again.

Moreover, you are telling LaTeX to do this before:

  1. \begin{document};
  2. specifying a title.

Try to see it from LaTeX's perspective: what can it do but complain?