Change separator font size in makecvtitle


I'm trying to reduce the title font size but the "|" separator is not matching the text size. Is it possible to change it to another symbol (like "–") or reduce its font size to match the rest of the title size?

Here's what I have so far:


\firstname{\large John}
\familyname{\large Doe}

\title{\large Machine Learning | Data Science}
\address{52 Mercer's Drive}{St. John's, NL}

\email{[email protected]}




And this is how it looks like:

enter image description here

Best Answer

The default size of the divider is set to \Huge. You should redefine the font-related settings for the name and titles, like I did below.

enter image description here



\renewcommand*{\namefont}{\large\bfseries\upshape}% Default is \Huge\bfseries\upshape
\renewcommand*{\titlefont}{\large\mdseries\upshape}% Default is \Huge\bfseries\upshape
\renewcommand*{\titlestyle}[1]{{\titlefont\textcolor{color2!85}{~$|$~\@title}}}% Default is {\titlefont\textcolor{color2!85}{#1}}


\title{Machine Learning~\texorpdfstring{$|$}{|}~Data Science}
\address{52 Mercer's Drive}{St.\ John's, NL}

\email{[email protected]}


