exam – How to Append Answer Sheet to Exam Document Class in LaTeX


I want to append an answer sheet to an exam. However, I only managed to do so manually, which causes conflicts if I reference things (with \cref for instance). Also, if have to re-adjust the points in the answer sheet every time I change them in the questions. Is there a proper way of doing this?

\documentclass[addpoints, 12pt]{exam}

\firstpageheader{\large\bfseries Astronomy Exam\\ \bigskip
\large\bfseries Last Name:\enspace\makebox[1.9in]{\hrulefill}}
{\large\bfseries Univ ID: \makebox[2in]{\hrulefill} \\  \bigskip
 \large\bfseries First Name:\enspace\makebox[2in]{\hrulefill}}
\runningheader{\large\bfseries Last Name:\enspace\makebox[1.9in]{\hrulefill}}
{\large\bfseries First Name:\enspace\makebox[2in]{\hrulefill}}


Answer the questions in the spaces provided on the
answer sheets.}}}


\question[60] Explain Principle A

\question[40] Explain Principle B



Answer sheet}}}


\question[60] Answer:


\question[40] Answer:




Best Answer

Hi I modified the answer from How to get LaTeX to expand at the correct position? to create a new environment for my answer booklet.

Here's the solution using your MWE

\documentclass[addpoints, 12pt]{exam}

\firstpageheader{\large\bfseries Astronomy Exam\\ \bigskip
\large\bfseries Last Name:\enspace\makebox[1.9in]{\hrulefill}}
{\large\bfseries Univ ID: \makebox[2in]{\hrulefill} \\  \bigskip
 \large\bfseries First Name:\enspace\makebox[2in]{\hrulefill}}
\runningheader{\large\bfseries Last Name:\enspace\makebox[1.9in]{\hrulefill}}
{\large\bfseries First Name:\enspace\makebox[2in]{\hrulefill}}



\newwrite\verbatim@outSkr % Define file. 
\immediate\openout\verbatim@outSkr=\jobname.skr  % Open file for writing. 

\immediate\write\verbatim@outSkr{\string\begin{ex@skripts}{\expandafter\thequestion. (\expandafter\totalpoints \ points) Answer:\string\par}}


\immediate\closeout\verbatim@outSkr    % Close file. 
\newwrite\verbatim@outSkr % Datei wird definiert 
\immediate\openout\verbatim@outSkr=\jobname.skr  % Open file for writing. 


Answer the questions in the spaces provided on the
answer sheets.}}}


\question[60] Explain Principle A


\question[40] Explain Principle B




Answer sheet}}}



You can rename skript to something more obvious like answerbox. Basically it just writes the contents of the environment to a file and outputs it when \includeSkripts is called.