[Tex/LaTex] exam class – permute mc answer choices, generate answer key


I happily use the exam document class to create exams and quizzes. I often make at least part of my exams multiple choice, and I'd like to be able to

  1. generate multiple versions of the exam by permuting the answer choices (automatically, rather than by hand as I do now), and
  2. generate an answer key for each version when compiling the exam with answers on.

Do any of you do that or have suggestions about how I might be able to implement that?

Best Answer

I know this problem well. I have my own package that does it, along with several documents full of crufty code. I can tell you my implementation:

Permuting answer choices:

  • Use a pgfmath list to store the answer choices
  • Do a Knuth shuffle on that list to permute them
  • Walk over the list printing out each choice

You might find the \pgfmathsetseed command useful because you want randomized choices but the same randomized choices each time you compile! You might also find http://random.org/ good for getting sufficiently random seeds.

For generating multiple versions and answer keys I use docstrip. My main file is a docstrip file like exam.dtx and I use guards like

%<A>\pgfmathsetseed{1001} % seed for A version
%<B>\pgfmathsetseed{1010} % seed for B version
    % commands that alter whether the key is shown

to \generate files like exam-A.tex, exam-A-key.tex, etc. Then you have one document per file without manually repeating code.

I don't use the exam class but I think this could work in that.

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