[Tex/LaTex] Exam document class


At the moment my document displays the marks for a bonus questions as, e.g. (3 (bonus)). I don't want the bonus to be there; I just want (3).

I'm using the command \bonuspointpoints{mark}{marks} but it seems to be being ignored and the marks still appear with (bonus) in brackets.

Any suggestions?

\totalformat{{\bf (\totalpoints \, marks)}}
\bonustotalformat{{\bf (\totalbonuspoints \, marks)}}

\bonusquestion[3] What is my name?

Best Answer

Looks like you have to tweak at two places,

  1. \bonuspointname{\relax} will reset the word bonus. Try playing putting other words in place of \relax.

  2. \bonuspointformat controls the actual format how the actual points are displayed. You can get your intended format using \bonuspointformat{[\thepoints]}.

So, your minimal example becomes,

\totalformat{{\bf (\totalpoints \, marks)}}
\bonustotalformat{{\bf (\totalbonuspoints \, marks)}}



\bonusquestion[3] What is your name?

I did not know about this package before, so answering your question was an introduction to a very useful package.