[Tex/LaTex] How to align a right angle


As you you can see in the following image, a right angle has some space to side BC.

How can I fix it and is there any better way to add an right angle?

enter image description here


      \draw[fill=gray!10]  (0, 4) coordinate (A) 
       -- node[above=4pt] {$4cm$} (3,4) coordinate (C) 
       -- node[right] {$8cm$} (3,0) coordinate (B) 
       -- node[left] {$xcm$}  (0, 4);
     \draw (2.6,4) -- ++(0,-10pt) -- ++(10pt,0);

        \node at (A)[anchor=east] {$A$};
        \node at (B)[anchor=north] {$B$};
        \node at (C)[anchor=south] {$C$};

Best Answer

Since the little square has side 10pt, you need to start 10pt to the left of C using, for example


A complete example:


      \draw[fill=gray!10]  (0, 4) coordinate (A) 
       -- node[above=4pt] {$4$\, cm} (3,4) coordinate (C) 
       -- node[right] {$8$\,cm} (3,0) coordinate (B) 
       -- node[left] {$x$\,cm}  (0, 4);
     \draw ([xshift=-10pt]C) -- ++(0,-10pt) -- ++(10pt,0);

        \node at (A)[anchor=east] {$A$};
        \node at (B)[anchor=north] {$B$};
        \node at (C)[anchor=south] {$C$};

enter image description here

If you are going to do a lot of constructions like this one, I'd like to suggest you the tkz-euclide package; it has a very intuitive syntax and has a predefined command \tkzMarkRightAngle to easily mark the right angles:





enter image description here