[Tex/LaTex] How to align a “double arrow” with a tikz arc shape


I want to align the double arrow shape in the tikz package with an arc, like this one:


\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2,node distance=1cm, auto,baseline=-.5ex]

\node (dummy) at (-5,-8) {}; 

\begin{scope}[remember picture,overlay,shift={(dummy.center)}]
\draw (8.75,4.75) arc (440:160:7.5); % I'm trying to align my double arrow shape with this arc.


By popular demand – a picture: picture

Preferrably I want the arrow tips to be unaffected by the bending of the shape. This would probably require a different shape than double arrow, though.

Best Answer

Workaround (version 1)

I have only a workaround for you. I draw two arrows on each other, the arrowheads are shifted, so I manually move them slightly back. The first arrowhead's position is controlled by an extra point, the second arrowhead's position is controlled by an angle and a distance. Please try it if it fits your needs.

%! *latex mal-doublearrow.tex
\tikzset{mal/.style={<->, >=stealth, 
double arrow, line width=8mm,
 draw=black, double arrow head extend=1.5cm, double arrow head indent=1.25cm}}
\begin{tikzpicture}%[scale=2,node distance=1cm, auto,baseline=-.5ex]
\node (dummy) at (-5,15) {}; 
\begin{scope}[remember picture,overlay,at={(dummy)}]
\def\malpath{(7,5)-- (8.75,4.75) arc (440:160:7.5)--+(65:2)}
\draw[mal] \malpath; % I'm trying to align my double arrow shape with this arc.
\def\malpath{(7.2,5)--(8.75,4.75) arc (440:160:7.5)--+(65:1.8)}
\draw[mal, line width=6mm, draw=yellow] \malpath;


Edit (version 2)

%! *latex mal-doublearrow.tex
\tikzset{mal/.style={<->, >={Stealth[length=40mm,sep=-5mm]},
 double distance=6mm, line width=5mm,
 draw=black, double=yellow}}
\draw[mal](6.5,5)--(8.75,4.75) arc (440:160:7.5)--+(70:2);
