[Tex/LaTex] How to add more line to the beamer presentation title side


MY title page looks like this now:


\title{The title}

\author{The author}   




I want to add one more line, and I don't know how to do it. I found the \institute command, but it is not suited for me.

Best Answer

There are multiple ways to add an additional line with a consultant to the title page.

You can add a line break inside of the \author{•} macro with an additional space. As a consultant in a sense belongs to the author I would prefer this way.

\author{The author\\[0.5em]The Consultant}

If you don't need an institute on the title page, you can also use the \institute{•} macro (or any other field you don't need) and adjust the font size if desired.

\institute{The Consultant}

And if these simple ways still do not satisfy your needs you can always redefine your title page as described here.