[Tex/LaTex] How to add acknowledgments in the title (first slide) in a beamer presentation


I am making a beamer presentation, and want to include text for acknowledgments. I use the tags for the title author institute, but now I want to add more text. Is there a tage for the acknowledgements? Is there a nice way to do so? Below is my code which does not compile due to the acknowledgment text.

 \setbeamertemplate{footline}[page number]
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{} 
\title[Short title of the talk]{cool title}
\author{name1 and name2}
University of River, Big City. UK\\
Acknowledgement: This work was performed within the
Mathematics of axiom1, with grant ref.

Without the text for the acknowledgments, the presentation compiles. What options are available?

Best Answer

You can use some of the already existing commands to add the information; for example, you can say something like

{\footnotesize Acknowledgement: This work was performed within the
Mathematics and networks
(molten) project, which is supported by the Engineering
and Physical Sciences Research Council and the Research
Councils UK Digital Economy programme, with grant ref.