[Tex/LaTex] How Do I Draw Two Overlapping Rectangles


I'm working on an interaction diagram for a programming design course. For sets of objects, I am required to draw overlapping rectangles, roughly as such:

Example 1

There was a post on overlapping fills that seems pretty close to what I want, but I couldn't figure out how to use the style of my other rectangles.

Here's a minimal version of what I have:



\title{Interaction Diagram - Add Book}


  block/.style = {
    minimum width = 9em,
    rounded corners
\node[block, below = 2cm of start]      (controller) {\underline{: SystemController}};
\node[block, below = 2cm of controller] (system)     {\underline{: System}}; 

% the following line should be the doubled up rectangles.
\node[block, below = 2cm of system] (books) {Books};


Best Answer

I assume, that actually you like to have something like this:

enter image description here


enter image description here


enter image description here

For the last picture I use the following code:

               border= 3mm]{standalone}

book/.style = {rectangle, draw, rounded corners, fill= white, 
               text width=9em, align= center,
               copy shadow={draw, fill=gray, 
                            shadow xshift=0.5mm, shadow yshift=-0.5mm}
\node[book] (books) {Books};

In code I use TikZ library shadows.