[Tex/LaTex] Hierarchy diagram


I’m trying to resemble what’s on the picture by using a template.

enter image description here

\begin{tikzpicture}[level 1/.style={sibling distance=7cm},
level 2/.style={sibling distance=2cm}, 
level 3/.style={sibling distance=2.5cm}, align = flush center]
\tikzset{every node/.append style={draw,rectangle}}

    \node {Recommendation Systems}
        [style=edge from parent fork down]
        child { 
            node {1}    
            child {node {1.1} 
                child {node {1.1.1} }
                child {node {1.1.2} }
                child {node {1.1.3} }
            child {node {1.2}}
            child {node {1.3}}
        edge from parent node[pos=0.25,above,draw=none]{left}%<-added
        child { 
            node {2} 
            child {node {2.1}}
            child {node {2.2} 
                child {node {2.2.1} }
                child {node {2.2.2} }
                child {node {2.2.3} }
            child {node {2.3}}
        edge from parent node[pos=0.25,above,draw=none]{right}%<-added

I don’t know how to get the boxes. Could you give me a hand/orientation?

Best Answer

I recommend forest for that.

forked edges,
for tree={draw,align=center,edge={-latex}}
[Recommendation\\ Systems

enter image description here

With shadows:

forked edges,
for tree={draw,align=center,edge={-latex},fill=white,blur shadow}
[Recommendation\\ Systems

enter image description here