[Tex/LaTex] Help with citation (in text, in parentheses etc.) with biblatex-apa


My working Example:







Basically I need 3 different citations in the text:

A. "wie Meier und Müller (2003) sagten."

with german "und" instead of "and" or "&" in the text (works with \textcite).

B. "was klar ist (Meier & Müller, 2003)."

with "&" in parentheses (works with \parencite).

C. "was klar ist (Meier & Müller, 2003, Kap. 4)."

with an additional reference in parentheses like page or chapter.

Right now for C. I write

"was klar ist (`\cite MeierMüller2003`, Kap. 4)." 

with the usual \citecommand without parentheses, which I manually put around this phrase.
But then I get

"was klar ist (Meier und Müller, 2003, Kap. 4)."

with the german "und" instead of the desired ampersand.

Also, for a second citation of three or more authors f. e. with \textcite I need the "et al.", but I am getting the german "u. a." right now.

I am really confused at the moment about what language to put in \DeclareLanguageMapping and the babel package in general (I need english for an english Abstract after the german abstract – code for that upon request). But I think neither language will solve my C. citation problem above.

Thanks for answers.

Best Answer

For citations as in C, you could write \parencite[Kap.~4]{testart} or \parencite[5]{testart} (see examples below). Note that you should use the citation macros with curly braces, so use \cite{MeierMüller2003} not \cite MeierMüller2003.

To change the andothers string from u. a to et al., you need to edit the localisation strings. Just put the following two lines after \DeclareLanguageMapping{ngerman}{ngerman-apa} in your document.

  andothers ={et\addabbrvspace al\adddot},
  andmore   ={et\addabbrvspace al\adddot},

Alternatively, you can create a file with the following content and save it under ngerman-apaed.lbx in the directory your .tex document is located.

\InheritBibliographyExtras{ngerman-apa}% extras are inherited from ngerman ...
  inherit          = {ngerman-apa},% .... as well as all the keys
  andothers        = {{et\addabbrvspace al\adddot}{et\addabbrvspace al\adddot}},
  andmore          = {{et\addabbrvspace al\adddot}{et\addabbrvspace al\adddot}},

You then modify the line \DeclareLanguageMapping{ngerman}{ngerman-apa} to \DeclareLanguageMapping{ngerman}{ngerman-apaed}.


\documentclass[ngerman, a4paper]{article}

  andothers ={et\addabbrvspace al\adddot},
  andmore   ={et\addabbrvspace al\adddot},

  author        = {Arnold Uthor and William Riter and Rita Esearcher and Steven C. Ientist and Stuart Udent and Peter R. Ofessor and Lewis E. C. Turer},
  title         = {A Very Interesting Article},
  journal       = {Journal of Articles},
  volume        = {8},
  number        = {2},
  page          = {1-5},
  date          = {2010},
  author        = {Arnold Uthor and William Riter},
  title         = {A Very Interesting Article},
  journal       = {Journal of Articles},
  volume        = {7},
  number        = {3},
  page          = {1-5},
  date          = {2010},
  author        = {Walter Ordsmith},
  editor        = {Eddie Ditor},
  title         = {The Work},
  subtitle      = {Subtitle},
  date          = {1983},
  author        = {Bernie Logger},
  title         = {A Very Opinionated Blog Post},
  url           = {http://example.com},
  year          = {2013},

    \verb|\cite{testart}| & \cite{testart}\\
    \verb|\textcite{testart}| & \textcite{testart}\\
    \verb|\parencite{testart}| & \parencite{testart}\\
    \verb|\parencite[Kap.~4]{testart}| & \parencite[Kap.~4]{testart}\\
    \verb|\parencite[15]{testart}| & \parencite[15]{testart}

  \parencite{testartlong} and \parencite[5]{testbook}

enter image description here


For multiple citations within one pair of parentheses use \parencites or \parencite. \parencites(Herzkreislauf;)()[34]{testartlong}[Kap.~4]{testbook} yields (Herzkreislauf; Uthor et al., 2010, S. 34; Ordsmith, 1983, Kap. 4); \parencites[Pre][Post]{testartlong,testbook} gives us (Pre Ordsmith, 1983; Uthor et al., 2010, Post).

See also sections 3.7 to 3.7.6 of the BibLaTeX documentation