[Tex/LaTex] Biblatex APA citation with parentheses


What style should I use to make the citations rendering as (Einstein, 1915)? Using biblatex on Overleaf

Best Answer

For real APA citations you want to use the package biblatex-apa (7th-edition APA style) or biblatex-apa6 (6th-edition APA style).

With biblatex-apa use style=apa,. With biblatex-apa6 you'd use style=apa6, in the example below.


\usepackage[backend=biber, style=apa]{biblatex}


Lorem \autocite{sigfridsson}
ipsum \parencite{worman}
It was shown by \textcite{nussbaum} that


Lorem (Sigfridsson & Ryde, 1998) ipsum (Worman, 2002) It was shown by Nussbaum (1978) that

If you just want author-year citations and not necessarily all that APA style entails (some people call this class of styles "Harvard style"), you can use the standard authoryear style and customise it to your liking (Guidelines for customizing biblatex styles).


\usepackage[backend=biber, style=authoryear]{biblatex}


Lorem \autocite{sigfridsson}
ipsum \parencite{worman}
It was shown by \textcite{nussbaum} that


Lorem (Sigfridsson and Ryde 1998) ipsum (Worman 2002) It was shown by  Nussbaum (1978) that

Independent of the exact details of the style, most biblatex styles print citations in parentheses if you use \parencite. Often it is preferable to use \autocite and configure it to produce citations in parentheses (this is usually the default for author-year styles).

Apart from \autocite and \parencite many biblatex styles define \textcite, which comes in handy in case you want to mention the author in your sentence.