[Tex/LaTex] Help on TikZ diagram


I'm very sorry about dull question, but I am totally confused by TikZ. Would anyone help me to draw following diagram, please?

enter image description here

What I've done so far is as follows.

    every node/.style={{font=\tt},>=stealth'},%
    list/.style={rectangle split, rectangle split parts=3,%
    draw,>=stealth', rectangle split horizontal}%
\node at (-1,1) (upperLeftHidden) {};
\node[list] (center) [below right=of upperLeftHidden] {x} %at (0,0)
    edge[<-,bend right=20,shorten <=5pt,>=stealth']
\node [below left=of center] {t}
    edge[<-,bend left=20,shorten <=3pt,>=stealth'] (center);
\node[list] (bot) [below right=of center] {\nodepart{second} f} %at (0,0)
    edge[<-,bend right=20,shorten <=5pt,>=stealth']
    edge[->,bend right=20,shorten <=5pt,>=stealth']
%\node [below left=of bot] {e} % doesn't work for some reason
    %edge[<-,bend left=20,shorten <=3pt,>=stealth'] (bot)

Which results in:

enter image description here

Best Answer

Another variation, unfortunately morbusg was faster than me :)



    every node/.style={{font=\tt},-latex},%
    list/.style={rectangle split, rectangle split parts=3, draw, rectangle split horizontal},%
\node[list, name=adin] at (0,0) {x};
\node[list, name=dwa] at (1,-1) {\nodepart{second} f};
\draw[bend left=10,-latex] (-1,1) to ($(adin.two north) + (-0.1,0.1)$);
\draw[bend right=20,-latex] (adin.two) to ++(-1,-1) node[below] {t};
\draw[bend right=20,-latex] (dwa.one) to ++(-1,-1) node[below] {e};
\draw[bend left=30,-latex] (adin.three) to ($(dwa.two north) + (0,0.1)$);
\draw[-latex,rounded corners,out=-45,in=45] (dwa.three) .. controls (3,-3) and (1.5,3) ..  ($(adin.two north) + (0.1,0.1)$);


enter image description here

Edit 1: With some improvements thanks to morbusg:



    every node/.style={{font=\tt},-latex},%
  list/.style={rectangle split, rectangle split parts=3, draw, rectangle split horizontal}]

\node[list, name=adin] at (0,0) {x};
\node[list, name=dwa] at (1,-1) {\nodepart{second} f};

    \draw[bend left=10] (-1,1) to ($(adin.two north) + (-0.1,0.1)$);
    \draw[bend right=20] (adin.two) to ++(-1,-1) node[below] {t};
    \draw[bend right=20] (dwa.one) to ++(-1,-1) node[below] {e};
    \draw[bend left=30] (adin.three) to ($(dwa.two north) + (0,0.1)$);
    \draw[out=-45,in=45,looseness=4] (dwa.three) to ($(adin.two north) + (0.1,0.1)$);


enter image description here