[Tex/LaTex] Getting errors using moderncv


I'm using LaTeX with TeXWorks (MiKTex) where I've found an issue. I'm helping my fiancé Writing her CV. I want to use moderncv package, but it does not work. Using the code:



\address{My address}

LaTeX complains about awesomefonttwo. I'm not sure where this comes from (I myself haven't specified to use awesomefonttwo, but from what I've read its somehow comes with the package moderncv). Trying to find a solution to this, I've read that one can add:


This adds another error though; that I must use lualatex or xelatex.

I've downloaded the moderncv folder. I have my .tex file for the CV inside the moderncv folder (it said that the moderncv.cls and moderncv.sty must be contained in the folder where the .tex file is, although I haven't found a file called moderncv.sty).

Could somebody please shed some light into this?


Best Answer

I can see several missunderstandings in your question.

  1. With windows you have the standard directory c:/documents. Create there an sub directory, for example latex. There you can write your own tex code, for example mwe.tex. You can open and compile this file c:/documents/latex/mwe.tex with your editor, TeXWorks, TeXnicCenter, WinEDT etc.
  2. Class moderncv should you only install with the installing or updating or package manager program of MiKTeX. Theese programs knew better that you where and how to install class moderncv.
  3. After correct installation/update of MiKTeX you can compile your file mwe.tex, because now MiKTeX is able to find and run class moderncv.cls and related files.
  4. moderncv has been changed and uses now font awesomefont to display symbols for a telephone etc. After the first change there was a bug resulting with the message about awesomefonttwo. That bug was fixed. To get no warning messages use LuaLaTeX or XeLaTeX to compile: lualatex mwe.tex.
  5. If you want to compile with pdflatex use the following modified MWE (see my changes marked with <====== in the code).

Changed mwe.tex to be compiled with pdflatex:



\address{My address}

\moderncvicons{marvosym} % marvosym awesome % for pdflatex! <===========
\setlength{\footskip}{37pt} % no more \footskip warning <===============


It compiles on my current MiKTeX 2.9 with moderncv 2.0.0 with only three warnings (caused in another bug in moderncv which has to be corrected by the author of the class) and no errors.