[Tex/LaTex] Errors with the moderncv template used with w32tex


I want to prepare my resume using the moderncv package. I am using w32tex (installed on this September), which includes the moderncv package. I downloaded the template from CTAN https://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/moderncv/examples and complied the file using lualatex. There was no problem at this point.

However, when I changed style from casual to classic, the following error message was displayed:

LaTeX Warning: You have requested package `moderncvheadi',
               but the package provides `moderncvheadi'.

Package: moderncvheadi 2015/07/28 v2.0.0 modern curriculum vitae and letter header variant: 1 \quotewidth=\skip262\makecvheadnamewidth=\skip263
) (c:/w32tex/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/moderncv/moderncvbodyi.sty

LaTeX Warning: You have requested package `moderncvbodyi',
               but the package provides `moderncvbodyi'.

Package: moderncvbodyi 2015/07/28 v2.0.0 modern curriculum vitae and letter body variant: 1 \hintscolumnwidth=\skip264\separatorcolumnwidth=\skip265\maincolumnwidth=\skip266\doubleitemcolumnwidth=\skip267\listitemsymbolwidth=\skip268LaTeX Font Info:    Try loading font information for U+mvs on input line 46.

! Font \U/mvs/m/n/10.95=umvs at 10.95pt not loadable: metric data not found or bad.

<to be read again> 

l.46 ...width{\listitemsymbolwidth}{\listitemsymbol}

Even if I ignore this error and press Enter, another error showed up:

 ! Font \U/mvs/m/n/10=umvs at 10pt not loadable: metric data not found or bad.
 <to be read again> 

 l.57 \makecvtitle

I really cannot fix this problem. Is some package lacking? Since I just changed style of the template, I don't think there is any problem in the source file.

Thank you very much for your help!

Best Answer

Sorry for my late action. I have added marvosym font today (2016/03/06 JST) in W32TeX. It will become available after a few days.