[Tex/LaTex] Gantt chart with multiple titles but bars between them



I'd like to make a work plan for my PhD project. The goal would be to have "Year 1" as a title, then some tasks, directly below the last task of year 1 there should be the title "Year 2" and then the tasks etc.

This is what I've written so far:

\documentclass[a4paper, 11pt]{article}
\usepackage[english, ngerman]{babel}
x unit=0.8cm,
y unit title=0.8cm,
y unit chart=0.6cm,
bar/.append style={fill=MidnightBlue},
milestone/.append style={fill=SkyBlue, rounded corners=3pt}]{1}{12}
\gantttitle{\textbf{YEAR 1}: Entry Phase}{12} \\
\gantttitlelist{1,...,12}{1} \\
\ganttbar{Literature: research and review}{1}{7} \\
\ganttbar{Writing of exposé}{4}{6} \\
\ganttmilestone{Public presentation}{7} \\
\ganttbar{Adaption of experiment 1}{11}{12} \\
\ganttbar{Conference participation $\&$ networking}{11}{12}\\


\gantttitle{\textbf{YEAR 2}: Research Phase}{12} \\
\gantttitlelist{1,...,12}{1} \\
\ganttbar{Experiment 1: conduction}{1}{2} \\
\ganttbar{Planning of experiment 2}{3}{4} \\
\ganttbar{Organizing a workshop}{9}{11} \\

The bars start before the title 2 in the chart, which looks really weird.
Is there a solution to this or do I have to make to separate gantt charts?

Thank you for your help!


Best Answer

The vertical position of the title depends, in part, on the value of the TeX counter \gtt@currentline. If you add 1 to that counter before the second title, and then subtract 2 from it afterwards, the diagram looks better. You can do that addition by

\advance\gtt@currentline by 1

and similarly \advance\gtt@currentline by -2 for the subtraction. See What do \makeatletter and \makeatother do? for an explanation of \makeatletter/\makeatother.

I don't know pgfgantt that well, so there might be better ways of getting a frame around the descriptions as well, but I show one method in the code below, where the frame is drawn manually.

The whole chart is actually a bit wider than the text block as it is, so I also added a line break in the Conference participation \& networking label. In order to be able to use \\ for a line break, I added align=right to the bar label node style.

output of code

\documentclass[a4paper, 11pt]{article}
\usepackage{amsmath,amssymb} % amsmath loads amstext
\usepackage[english, ngerman]{babel}
\begin{tikzpicture} % added
  x unit=0.8cm,
  y unit title=0.8cm,
  y unit chart=0.6cm,
  bar/.append style={fill=MidnightBlue},
  milestone/.append style={fill=SkyBlue, rounded corners=3pt},
  bar label font=\footnotesize, % reduce font size
  milestone label font=\footnotesize\itshape, % reduce font size
  bar label node/.append style={align=right}, % allows for line breaks with \\ in the labels
  milestone label node/.append style={align=right}, % allows for line breaks with \\ in the labels
  canvas/.append style={name=canvas} % to be able to use the canvas node as reference for drawing
    \gantttitle{\textbf{YEAR 1}: Entry Phase}{12} \\
    \gantttitlelist{1,...,12}{1} \\
    \ganttbar{Literature: research and review}{1}{7} \\
    \ganttbar{Writing of exposé}{4}{6} \\
    \ganttmilestone{Public presentation}{7} \\
    \ganttbar{Adaption of experiment 1}{11}{12} \\
    \ganttbar{Conference participation\\\& networking}{11}{12}\\ % <- added a linebreak in the label text
    \advance\gtt@currentline by 1
    \gantttitle{\textbf{YEAR 2}: Research Phase}{12} \\
    \gantttitlelist{1,...,12}{1} \\
    \advance\gtt@currentline by -2
    \ganttbar{Experiment 1: conduction}{1}{2} \\
    \ganttbar{Planning of experiment 2}{3}{4} \\
    \ganttbar{Organizing a workshop}{9}{11} \\

% draw frame around the labels on the left
\draw [/pgfgantt/canvas,fill=none]
 ([yshift=-0.5\pgflinewidth]canvas.north west) -- 
 (canvas.north west -| current bounding box.west) |- 
 ([yshift=0.5\pgflinewidth]canvas.south west);
