[Tex/LaTex] Issue with links and milestones in Gantt chart


I am currently using pgfgantt to add a Gantt chart to a Latex document. The chart spans a period of just under a year. I have used the code from (Getting gantt chart week to show week number) to add week numbers and its working fine. I have two problems that I would like to solve:

  • milestones are almost invisible
  • I would prefer straight line, such as link type to (f-s), however without text (to avoid clutter).

    \title{Gantt Chart}
            calendar week text={\myWeek{}}%
            \caption{Time Plan}
                            vgrid={*{6}{draw=none}, dotted},
                            x unit=.08cm,
                            y unit title=.6cm,
                            y unit chart=1cm,
                            time slot format=isodate,
                            link/.style={->, ultra thick},
                            link bulge=4,
                            time slot format/start date=2017-07-01]{2017-07-01}{2018-06-30}
                            \ganttset{bar height=.6}
                            \gantttitlecalendar{year, month=name, week} \\
                            \ganttmilestone[name=e0]{Start}{2017-07-03} \\
                            \ganttbar[name=e1]{Task01}{2017-07-03}{2017-08-15} \\
                            \ganttlink[link mid=.8]{e3}{e16}
                            \ganttlink[link type=-]{e4}{e5}

Gantt chart

Do you have any pointers?

Best Answer

For 1., add milestone/.append style={inner ysep=3mm}, to the chart settings.

For 2. you can make a new type of link based on e.g. f-s, and set the text label to be empty:


Add those before the ganttchart, and use link type=straight.

A shortened complete example, so it's easier to see:

output of code


        calendar week text={\myWeek{}}%

% define a new link type
% remove label
            vgrid={*{6}{draw=none}, dotted},
            x unit=.08cm,
            y unit title=.6cm,
            y unit chart=1cm,
            time slot format=isodate,
            link/.style={->, ultra thick},
            link bulge=4,
            time slot format/start date=2017-07-01,
            milestone/.append style={inner ysep=3mm}, % <-- added
            \ganttset{bar height=.6}
            \gantttitlecalendar{year, month=name, week} \\
            \ganttmilestone[name=e0]{Start}{2017-07-03} \\

           \ganttlink[link type=-]{e1}{e2} 
           \ganttlink[link type=straight]{e2}{e4}
