[Tex/LaTex] Formatting of Tables in Latex, using multirow and multicolumn together


When I used this piece down, I got.

\caption{Present Strength-Production}
\multirow{2}{*}{Sl.No} & 
\multicolumn{2}{c|}{\multirow{2}{*}{\textbf{Designation}}} & 
\multicolumn{4}{c|}{\textbf{Shifts}} &\textbf{Leave/Off} & 
& & &\textbf{A} & \textbf{B} & \textbf{C}& \textbf{G}&\textbf{Reserve}&\\
1 & \multicolumn{2}{l|}{Plant Engineer} & & & & 1& & 1\\
\multicolumn{3}{|l|}{\textbf{Sub Total}} & & & & \textbf{1} & & \textbf{1}\\
2&\multirow{2}{*}{Operator}&Work related to water regeneration&1&1&1&&1& 
3& & Work related to valve control& 1&1&1& &1&4\\
\multicolumn{3}{|l|}{\textbf{Sub Total}}&\textbf{2}&\textbf{2}&\textbf{2}&
&\textbf{2} & \textbf{8}\\
1 & \multicolumn{2}{l|}{Worker} &2 & 2& 2& & 2& 8\\
\multicolumn{3}{|l|}{\textbf{Sub Total}} &\textbf{2}&\textbf{2}&\textbf{2}&
&\textbf{2} & \textbf{8}\\ \hline \hline
\multicolumn{3}{|l|}{\textbf{Total}} &\textbf{4} &\textbf{4} &\textbf{4} 
&\textbf{1}&\textbf{4} & \textbf{17}\\


Can anyone show me the right path?

Certain important things are

  • The starting place of Sub total and Total should be from the second column
  • The vertical line in the Designation box
  • Horizontal line between 2 and 3

Best Answer

Here are some tips:

  • Use a \multicolumn{1}{|l}{} & \multicolumn{2}{l|}{...} construct;
  • Add another \multicolumn{2}{c|}{} to the second row; and
  • Use an additional \cline{1-1} to insert a rule between elements in the first column.

enter image description here

  \caption{Present Strength-Production}
    \multirow{2}{*}{Sl.No} & 
    \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\multirow{2}{*}{\textbf{Designation}}} & 
    \multicolumn{4}{c|}{\textbf{Shifts}} & \textbf{Leave/Off} & 
    \multirow{2}{*}{\textbf{Total}} \\
    & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{} & \textbf{A} & \textbf{B} & \textbf{C} & \textbf{G} & \textbf{Reserve} & \\
    1 & \multicolumn{2}{l|}{Plant Engineer} & & & & 1 & & 1 \\
    \multicolumn{1}{|l}{} & \multicolumn{2}{l|}{\textbf{Sub Total}} & & & & \textbf{1} & & \textbf{1} \\
    2 & \multirow{2}{*}{Operator}&Work related to water regeneration & 1 & 1 & 1 & & 1 & 4 \\
    3 & & Work related to valve control & 1 & 1 & 1 & & 1 & 4 \\
    \multicolumn{1}{|l}{} & \multicolumn{2}{l|}{\textbf{Sub Total}} & \textbf{2} & \textbf{2} & \textbf{2} & & \textbf{2} & \textbf{8} \\
    1 & \multicolumn{2}{l|}{Worker} & 2 & 2 & 2 & & 2 & 8 \\
    \multicolumn{1}{|l}{} & \multicolumn{2}{l|}{\textbf{Sub Total}} & \textbf{2} & \textbf{2} & \textbf{2} & & \textbf{2} & \textbf{8} \\
    \hline \hline
    \multicolumn{1}{|l}{} & \multicolumn{2}{l|}{\textbf{Total}} & \textbf{4} & \textbf{4} & \textbf{4} 
    & \textbf{1} & \textbf{4} & \textbf{17} \\