[Tex/LaTex] difficulty formatting with multirow and multicolumn


I've created a table that (I think) needs \makecell{}, \multirow{}, and multicolumn{} to be displayed properly. The issue is that the spatial arrangement of my elements is not so great.

  • The lower and upper subheadings (columns 5 & 6) are not aligned properly.
  • Columns 1-4 are not placed sensibly (centered or bottom aligned would work).
  • I have to use a hack (\B) to space my \hline so that it does not overlap text of columns 3 & 4.

Any advice On what I might be doing wrong or a better approach (apologies for the single use nature of the question)?

\usepackage{makecell, multirow, ctable}




\multirow{2}{*}{Condition} & \multirow{2}{*}{\textit{N}} & \multirow{2}{*}{\makecell{Mean Proportion \\ Taxonomic  \\ Responses}} & \multirow{2}{*}{\makecell{Taxonomic \\ Responding Exact \\ Binomial Test \textit{p}}} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\makecell{95\% Binomial \\ Confidence Intervals}} \\
& & & & Lower & Upper \B \\ 
Alien & \textit{n} = 65 & .74 & \\ 
Alike & \textit{n} = 63 & .68 & \\
Similar & \textit{n} = 50 & .68 & \\
No Reminder & \textit{n} = 59 & .40 & \\


enter image description here

Best Answer

Some improvements with booktabs and code simplification with \multirowcell command, since you load makecell:

\usepackage{makecell, multirow, booktabs}


        \multirowcell{3}[-1pt]{Condition} & \multirowcell{3}[-1pt]{$N$} & \multirowcell{3}[-1pt]{Mean Proportion \\ Taxonomic \\ Responses}& \multirowcell{3}[-1pt]{Taxonomic \\\strut Responding Exact \\ Binomial Test $p$} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\makecell{95\% Binomial \\ Confidence Intervals}} \\
        & & & & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Lower} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Upper} \\
        Alien & n = 65 & .74 & \\
        Alike & n = 63 & .68 & \\
        Similar & n = 50 & .68 & \\
        No Reminder & n = 59 & .40 & \\


enter image description here