[Tex/LaTex] Border with multirow and multicolumn


Following example:


& & \multicolumn{5}{c|}{something} \\ \cline{3-7}
& & AAA & BBB & CCC & DDD & EEE\\ \hline
\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\multirow{3}{*}{\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{sth}} } 
& line 1 & x & x & x & x & x \\ \cline{2-7}
& line 2 & x & x & x & x & x \\ \cline{2-7}
  1. Why is the border on the left side missing?

enter image description here

  1. Why can I not make the columns fixed width (like c{4cm})? this gives me an error message ' Illegal pream-token (2.0cm): `c' used.' but I am pretty sure it has worked for me like this…

Best Answer

Here is a solution. I took the opportunity to improve the vertical padding of cells, and defined a \nocell command to have a number of empty cells; its argument is the number of consecutive empty cells.

\usepackage{array, makecell, rotating}


  \nocell{2}& \multicolumn{5}{c|}{something} \\ \cline{3-7}
  \nocell{2} & AAA & BBB & CCC & DDD & EEE\\ \hline
  \multirowcell{2}[0.5ex]{\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{sth}} & line 1 & x & x & x & x & x \\ \cline{2-7}
 & line 2 & x & x & x & x & x \\ \cline{1-7}


enter image description here