[Tex/LaTex] Fix sized centered multirow and multicolumn tables


I'm using TeXLive 2011, and one of my friends has a problem with creating tables, which use fix sized centered \multirow and \multicolumn cells.
This is his thesis, so there is a lot of ignorable code in the following minimal working example, but I'm not sure.




{$\left\delimleft\vrule height\delimhalfdim depth\delimhalfdim
{$\left.\vrule height\delimhalfdim depth\delimhalfdim



\vspace*{50 pt}%
{\setlength{\parindent}{0pt} \raggedright \normalfont
\bfseries\Huge\thechapter.\ #1
\par\nobreak\vspace{40 pt}}}

\begin{tabular}{>{\centering\arraybackslash}m{2cm} >{\centering\arraybackslash}m{3cm} >{\centering\arraybackslash}m{2cm} >{\centering\arraybackslash}m{4cm} >{\centering\arraybackslash}m{4cm}}
\multirow{3}{*}{A brmfe juiodondf} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Az előkezelt otijgfni} & \multirow{3}{*}{A oighderinir, iufbdgkfddf and zxdbviid7ud uibuofvdt water dfubu} & \multirow{3}{*}{Absorbance 550~nm (liquid shit)}\\\noalign{\smallskip}
\cline{2-3} \noalign{\smallskip}
& what & whatever &  &\\\noalign{\smallskip}
\cline{2-3} \noalign{\smallskip}
& \multicolumn{2}{c}{something}\\
x & 0,71g & 0,0360g & 15ml & 0,4\\\noalign{\smallskip}
y & 0,11g & 0,0146g & 15ml & 0,26\\\noalign{\smallskip}
z & 0,47g & 0,0527g & 16ml & 0,5\\\noalign{\smallskip}
\multicolumn{4}{l}{again some} & 0,537\\\noalign{\smallskip}
\multicolumn{4}{l}{bullshit} & 0,456\\
\caption{Beautiful table}


enter image description here

Best Answer

If the problem is with the wrapping, that is due to the fact that you provide the * argument to the multirow command. That tells it to use the natural width of the text. However, you use a limited width for the columns, if you set that width instead of the * you will see that the text wraps inside of the column.

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