[Tex/LaTex] Foreach loop between two lists




 \foreach \x/\y in {\firstlist/\secondlist} {

 \foreach \x/\y in {0/0,1/1,2/2} {

How can I make the output of the \testa command equal to the output of the \testb command?

Best Answer

Here is a very simple solution:



  \foreach \x [count=\c,evaluate=\c as \y using {{\secondlist}[\c-1]}]  in \firstlist {


An extended solution defining the new style parallel foreach. You can use multiple parallel lists:


  foreach/parallel foreach/.style args={#1in#2via#3}{evaluate=#3 as #1 using {{#2}[#3-1]}},


  \foreach \x [count=\c,
  parallel foreach=\y in \secondlist via \c,
  parallel foreach=\z in \thirdlist via \c]
  in \firstlist
    \node[left] at (0,\x) {\x};


Both methods use the array features of pgfmath: they evaluate each element as a math formula. If you want string elements, use quotes ("...").


  foreach/parallel foreach/.style args={#1in#2via#3}{
    evaluate=#3 as #1 using {{#2}[#3-1]}

\def\fourthlist{"label a","label b","label c","label $\delta$","label e"}
  \foreach \x [count=\c,
  parallel foreach=\y in \secondlist via \c,
  parallel foreach=\z in \thirdlist via \c,
  parallel foreach=\lab in \fourthlist via \c]
  in \firstlist
    \node[left] at (0,\x) {\lab};


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