[Tex/LaTex] Fitting background in Tikz


I need that the grey background also includes the labels T1 and T2

\node [rectangle,draw] (set a) [label=right:$T_1$]                 {\textit{SET A}};
\node [rectangle,draw] (set b) [below=of set a, label=right:$T_2$] {\textit{SET B}};

\draw [->] (set a) to node [auto] {\textit{q}} (set b);

\node [fill=black!30,fit=(set a) (set b)] {};


Best Answer

Jake's answer is correct but you have a problem if you want a lightgray wrapper and a different background.

Then if you add something to the picture; you need to use nested tikzpictures (I'm not afraid of this) . Sometimes you need to use nested pictures with caution.

  \node at (5,0){extra};
\node {\begin{tikzpicture}[
      show background rectangle, 
      background rectangle/.style={fill=lightgray},
      box/.style={draw, font=\itshape}
  \node [box] (set a) [label=right:$T_1$]                 {SET A};
  \node [box] (set b) [below=of set a, label=right:$T_2$] {SET B};

  \draw [-latex] (set a) to node [auto] {\textit{q}} (set b);

Gonzalo's answer s fine also but if you add an extra node, you need to program the picture with order in this case, I think it's better to use a scope and local bounding box like this :


  \node at (5,0){extra}; 
  \begin{scope}[local bounding box=bb]
     \node [typea] (set a) [label=right:$T_1$] {SET A};
     \node [typea] (set b) [below=of set a, label=right:$T_2$] {SET B};
     \draw [->] (set a) to node [auto,font=\itshape] {q} (set b); 

     \node [fill=black!30,fit=(bb)] {};
  % Jake's remark is fine, (bb) avoids (bb.north west) (bb.south east)

Before the option label ( for old users of TikZ) we used simple nodes and in this case you can avoid dummy nodes

      box/.style={draw, font=\itshape}
  \node [box] (set a)  {SET A};
  \node [box] (set b) [below=of set a] {SET B};
  \node[anchor=west,right=6pt] (T1) at (set a.east){$T_1$};
  \node[anchor=west,right=6pt] (T2) at (set b.east){$T_2$};  
  \draw [-latex] (set a) to node [auto] {\textit{q}} (set b); 

   \node [fill=black!30,fit=(set a) (T2)] {};

Finally you can use label without dummy nodes with the option name, I use pgf 2.1 CVS and perhaps this option is a new one (I don't know)

\node [rectangle,draw] (set a) [label={[name=T1]right:$T_1$}]                 {\textit{SET A}};
\node [rectangle,draw] (set b) [below=of set a, label={[name=T2]right:$T_2$}] {\textit{SET B}};

   \node [fill=black!30,fit=(set a) (T2)] {};


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