[Tex/LaTex] Filling complement of disjunction in Venn diagram with Tikz


I know there are many threads on Venn diagrams with tikz, however I could not find this specific case. I would like to fill the complement of the disjunction of p and q. Graphically, this would be everything in the rectangle except for the two circles (which should be white). I have a working example, where I first fill the rectangle and the conjunction of p and q, and then fill of white the conjunction. However, this seems unnecessarily artificial, so I feel there probably is a better way of doing it. (It's done implicitly here but my tikz is not very good so I am not understanding clearly. Moreover it looks like overkill for what I need)

My code:



\def\bigrectangle{(-2,-2) rectangle (3,2)}
\def\firstcircle{(0,0) circle (1)}
\def\secondcircle{(1,0) circle (1)}

% fill rectangle and conjunction
    \clip \firstcircle \secondcircle \bigrectangle;
    \fill[blue] \bigrectangle;

% fill conjunction white
    \clip \secondcircle;
    \fill[white] \firstcircle;

% outline
\draw \firstcircle (0,1) node [text=black,above] {$p$}
      \secondcircle (1,1) node [text=black,above] {$q$}
      \bigrectangle node [text=black,above] {$U$};



This is the result:

Looks right but code is weird

Best Answer

enter image description here




You can change colors, labels, etcetera, easily as described in the package documentation.