[Tex/LaTex] Figure of a map with TikZ


This code creates two sets, call them A and B, in the complex plane:


\draw (1,0) arc (0:360:1);
\fill [pattern=north east lines] (1,0) arc (0:360:1);

\draw (1,1) -- (-1,1) -- (-1,-1) -- (1,-1) -- (1,1);
\fill [pattern=north east lines] (1,1) -- (-1,1) -- (-1,-1) -- (1,-1);

Now imagine that I have a map f which maps A to B and I want to show this in a figure: So is should look like: Right to A there is an arrow with a f above. One step further on the right we then have B.

How can I realize this with TikZ?
Thank you!

Best Answer

Like this:


set/.style={draw, pattern=north east lines}
\node (a) [set,circle, minimum size=10mm] {};
\node (b) [set,minimum size=10mm,right=of a] {};
\draw[->, shorten >=1mm, shorten <=1mm]   (a) -- node[above] {$f$}    (b);

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