[Tex/LaTex] economic circuit


Having seen some examples of electronic circuits, I would like to make an economic one like this one:

enter image description here

I haven't found any relevant example, so would like your help.

In case that somebody is interested in economics, a more representative circular flow is the following one:
enter image description here

While I was trying to create the second figure I met a problem and my code doesn't work.

        \usepackage{tkz-fct} \usetkzobj{all}
\node (c1)[shape=circle,draw]  {
        \textit{\footnotesize (Παραγωγοί)} \\
 \node[rectangle,draw,rounded corners] (c2) [right=of c1] {Κράτος}; 
\node (c3) [shape=circle,draw]   [right=of c2] {
        \textit{\footnotesize (Καταναλωτές)} \\
\node(c4)[shape=circle,draw, above=of c2]  {
        \textit{Αγαθών}\\ \textit{Υπηρεσιών}

\node (c5)[shape=circle,draw, below=of c2]  {
        \textit{Παραγωγικών} \\

\draw [<-,thick,color=Green] (c4) to [bend right=45]  (c1);
\draw [<-,thick,color=Green] (c3) to [bend right=45]  (c4);
\draw [<-,thick,color=Green] (c5) to [bend right=45]  (c3);
\draw [<-,thick,color=Green] (c1) to [bend right=45]  (c5);

\draw [->,thick, color=Red,postaction={decorate,decoration={raise=5ex,text along path,text align=center,text={ Δ}}}]      (c4) to [bend left=45] (c1);


Best Answer

The circuits library is not really suited for this kind of diagram.

This can easily be achieved with three nodes and a few edges. The shapes.geometric library provides the ellipse shape.

The auto=right option positions all nodes along a path on the right side (the default is left). The swap option changes this for only one node to the other side.


\documentclass[tikz, convert=false]{standalone}
  main node/.style={
    minimum width=2cm,
    minimum height=1cm
  \node[main node] (daervz) {daervz};
  \node[main node] (y) at  (50:4) {y};
  \node[main node] (x) at (130:4) {x};

  ] (x)      edge[bend left=50]  node[swap] {Goods} (y)
             edge[bend right=50] node       {ddaf}  (daervz)
             edge[bend right=10] node[swap] {z}     (y)
    (daervz) edge[bend right=50] node       {dddda} (y)
             edge[bend left]     node       {dda}   (x)
    (y)      edge[bend left]     node       {dda}   (daervz)
             edge[bend left]     node       {k}     (x)
             edge[bend right]    node       {z}     (x)


enter image description here