[Tex/LaTex] Drawing Grids with different colors


I need a 4*4 grid to fill with selected colors. Basically, I am in search of a \newcommand, like this:

\newcommand{\mygrid}{11/blue, 32/brown} %coordinates/color is passed

which will produce the following grid:


Similar questions were asked before:

  1. Dynamically filling a grid with TikZ from a data array
  2. Drawing grids filled with random selected colors and connecting them
  3. Drawing a multicolored grid using TikZ

I tried to start from answers from all the questions, but got lost midway. Any help will be appreciated.

EDIT This is the last workable version I was trying (from here):




    \foreach \y in {1,...,\GridSize} {
        \foreach \x in {1,...,\GridSize} {
            \node [fill=\RandomColor, fill opacity=0.4, draw=none, thick, minimum size=1cm] 
                at (\x-.5,\y-.5)



        \draw (0, 0) grid (\GridSize, \GridSize);
        \coordinate (input);


EDIT 2 Here's another (based on this) [argument 2 supports placing of grids to a preferred location]:

\usetikzlibrary{positioning,backgrounds,shadings,calc,patterns, decorations.pathreplacing, fit, arrows}

%   \foreach \mark/\colorname [count=\k] in {#3}{
%       \ifnum\mark=34 \def\mycolorname{\colorname}\fi
%   }

    \foreach \x in {1,...,4}{
        \foreach \y in {1,...,4} {
            \foreach \px\py in {#2}{
            \node[draw=gray, fill=red!30,thick, minimum size=1cm,  anchor=mid,
            ] (z#1\x\y\px\py) at ($(\y,-\x)+(\px,\py)$) {#1\x\y\px\py}; %



Best Answer

This is based on the first edit. Note: I assigned the name name to the grid so that you can use coordinates (name.south east) etc.



\newcommand*{\ColorCells}[1]{% #1 = list of x/y/color
  \foreach \x/\y/\color in {#1} {
    \node [fill=\color, draw=none, thick, minimum size=1cm] 
      at (\x-.5,\GridSize+0.5-\y) {};



    \begin{scope}[thick,local bounding box=name]
        \ColorCells{1/1/blue, 2/3/red, 3/2/green, 4/4/yellow}
        \draw (0, 0) grid (\GridSize, \GridSize);

