[Tex/LaTex] Drawing Ellipse and Half-Ellipse in LaTeX


how can I draw some ellipses being "cut" by a half-ellipse like in the image (and also being able to write some labels on the ellipses)?

And also, what should I do if I want to have a circle/ellipse within a circle/ellipse (n times) and want to do this "cut" by a half-ellipse? So far, inspired by some answers here, I can only do the following to draw the circles:


\node[circle, minimum size=6cm, draw, fill=white] (a) {};
\node[circle, minimum size=4cm, draw, fill=white] (b) {};
\node[circle, minimum size=2cm, draw, fill=white] (c) {$T_{0}$};

\draw [decorate, decoration={text along path, text = H2}] (150:2.5) arc (150:60:2.5cm); 

\draw [decorate, decoration={text along path, text = T1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ T2}] (90:1.5) arc (90:-90:1.5cm); 


Thank you!

Ellipses and Revision

Best Answer

This produces something similar to your screen shot.

 \foreach \Y [count=\Z] in {-1,1}
  {\draw[name path=elli-\Z] (0,\Y) circle[x radius=3,y radius=0.9];}
 \draw[red,name path=elli-3] (0,1.9) arc(35:-220:1.6 and 2.4) 
  (0,1.9) arc(35:40:1.6 and 2.4);
 \draw[blue,name path=elli-4] (0,1.9) arc(145:400:1.6 and 2.4) node[pos=0.8,right]{$\mathsf{K}*\mathsf{B}$}
  (0,1.9) arc(145:140:1.6 and 2.4);
 \path[name intersections={of=elli-1 and elli-3,by={i1,i2,i3,i4}}]  (i4) node[above
 \path[name intersections={of=elli-3 and elli-4,by={i5,i6}}]  (i6) 
 node[left]{$\mathsf{T}_1$} node[right,xshift=1ex,yshift=-1ex]{$\mathsf{T}_2$};
 \path[name intersections={of=elli-1 and elli-4,by={i7,i8,i9,i10}}]  (i10) 
 node[below right,xshift=1em]{$\mathsf{K}$};

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