[Tex/LaTex] Connecting an arced path in TikZ


I'm trying to draw an octant of a sphere. I'm not an expert on drawing perspective, but I managed that with, among others, the arc command. With the sphere drawn I made some layers, again with the arc command, that I'd like to fill to help distuingish them from the others layers. I made a path of one of the layers, filled it but not with the expected result. The path seems closed to me, but not to TikZ. How can I close the arced path and fill it? I presume my manual finetuning of the coordinates might be the cause of the problem?



    % coordinaten
    \coordinate (m) at (0,4,0);
    % assen
    \draw (0,0,0) -- (0,4,0); % z
    \draw (0,0,0) -- (4,0,0); % x
    \draw (0,0,0) -- (0,0,4.65); % y
    % sfeer
    \draw (4,0,0) arc (0:116.5:4cm and -2cm);
    \draw (4,0,0) arc (0:90:4cm and 4cm);
    \draw (0,4,0) arc (90:206.5:2cm and 4cm);
    \node[draw,circle through={(m)}] (c) at (0,0,0) {};
    % fotosfeer
    \draw (3.875,0,0) arc (0:115.8:3.875cm and -1.875cm);
    \draw (3.875,0,0) arc (0:90:3.875cm and 3.875cm);
    \draw (0,3.875,0) arc (90:205.8:1.875cm and 3.875cm);
    % convenctie zone
    \draw (2,0,0) arc (0:116.5:2cm and -1cm);
    \draw (2,0,0) arc (0:90:2cm and 2cm);
    \draw (0,2,0) arc (90:206.5:1cm and 2cm);
    % radiatie zone
    \draw (1,0,0) arc (0:116.5:1cm and -0.5cm);
    \draw (1,0,0) arc (0:90:1cm and 1cm);
    \draw (0,1,0) arc (90:206.5:0.5cm and 1cm);
    % fill
    \draw[fill=blue] (0,3.875,0) -- (0,2,0) (3.875,0,0) arc (0:90:3.875cm and 3.875cm) (2,0,0) arc (0:90:2cm and 2cm) (3.875,0,0) -- (2,0,0);

Filled, yet not closed path

The part I'd like to fill is the biggest section of the xz plane, where the x axis is pointing to the east and the z axis is pointing north. With similar code I'd eventually like to fill the corresponding two parts as well.

PS: I use the circle through command instead of a plain circle node to have no problem with scaling the figure.

Best Answer

Do you mean some thing like this?


    % coordinaten
    \coordinate (m) at (0,4,0);
    % assen
    \draw (0,0,0) -- (0,4,0); % z
    \draw (0,0,0) -- (4,0,0); % x
    \draw (0,0,0) -- (0,0,4.65); % y
    % sfeer
    \draw (4,0,0) arc (0:116.5:4cm and -2cm);
    \draw (4,0,0) arc (0:90:4cm and 4cm);
    \draw (0,4,0) arc (90:206.5:2cm and 4cm);
    \node[draw,circle through={(m)}] (c) at (0,0,0) {};
    % fotosfeer
    \draw (3.875,0,0) arc (0:115.8:3.875cm and -1.875cm);
    \draw (3.875,0,0) arc (0:90:3.875cm and 3.875cm);
    \draw (0,3.875,0) arc (90:205.8:1.875cm and 3.875cm);
    \draw[fill=blue] (0,0,0) --(0,3.875,0) arc (90:205.8:1.875cm and 3.875cm) --(0,0,0) -- (3.875,0,0)  arc (0:90:3.875cm and 3.875cm) -- (0,0,0) -- (3.875,0,0) arc (0:115.8:3.875cm and -1.875cm)--  cycle;
    % convenctie zone
    \draw (2,0,0) arc (0:116.5:2cm and -1cm);
    \draw (2,0,0) arc (0:90:2cm and 2cm);
    \draw (0,2,0) arc (90:206.5:1cm and 2cm);
    \draw[fill=red] (0,0,0) -- (0,2,0) arc (90:206.5:1cm and 2cm) --(0,0,0) -- (2,0,0)  arc (0:90:2cm and 2cm) -- (0,0,0) -- (2,0,0) arc (0:116.5:2cm and -1cm)--  cycle;
    % radiatie zone
    \draw (1,0,0) arc (0:116.5:1cm and -0.5cm);
    \draw (1,0,0) arc (0:90:1cm and 1cm);
    \draw (0,1,0) arc (90:206.5:0.5cm and 1cm);
    \draw[fill=green] (0,0,0) -- (0,1,0) arc (90:206.5:0.5cm and 1cm) --(0,0,0) -- (1,0,0)  arc (0:90:1cm and 1cm) -- (0,0,0) -- (1,0,0) arc (0:116.5:1cm and -0.5cm)--  cycle;


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