[Tex/LaTex] drawing circles and squares with TikZ


I am trying to recreate the following sketch using tikz. I found this example to draw circle but combining it with a grid to generate the following picture is a bit difficult.

enter image description here

How can I generate the above figure in latex?

\documentclass[tikz, border=2pt]{standalone}
\begin{tikzpicture}[line width=3pt]
    \r = 3;
    \R = (pi * \r + \r)/2;
    \l = sqrt(pi)/1.5 * \r;
  \coordinate (O1) at (0, 0);
  \coordinate (O2) at ($(O1)+(1.5*pi*\r, 0)$);
  \coordinate (O3) at ($(O1)+(3*pi*\r, 0)$);
  \filldraw[fill=lightgray, draw=black] (O1) circle [radius=\r];
  \draw (O2) circle [radius=\r];
  \draw (O3) circle [radius=\r];
  \draw[fill=red, draw=black] (O2) ++(-.65*\r, -7/6*\r) rectangle ++(\l, -\l);
  \draw[fill=red, draw=black] (O3) ++(-2.3*\r, -0.5\r) rectangle ++(\l, -\l);


Using the example, I change the code but there is red line passing centers of circle that I can not remove and I do not know how to add text to the \draw command for labels.

Just for illustration and showing current problem of combining @marmot and @Zarko, after compiling the following answer:

\documentclass[20pt,a0paper, margin=0mm, colspace=15mm]{tikzposter}

    node distance = 20mm,
       start chain = going right,
every label/.style = {draw, thick,
                      minimum size=5mm,
                      inner sep=1pt, outer sep=0pt, label distance=3pt},
      dish/.style = {circle, draw, line width=3pt, minimum size=24mm,
                     align=center, on chain},
             font = \sffamily,
                    line width=3pt]

\tikzset{gnode/.style={fill=gray!50,draw=gray!50,line width=1pt},
bnode/.style={fill=black,draw=black,line width=1pt}}  
\matrix [nodes={draw,minimum size=5mm,rounded corners=2pt},column sep=1mm,row sep=1mm] (mat) at (15,0) {
\node [gnode] {};& \node [gnode] {1}; & \node [gnode] {2}; & \node [gnode] {3};\\
\node [gnode] {A}; & \node [draw=red,fill=black!90,line width=2pt] {}; & \node [draw=red,fill=black!50,line width=2pt] {}; & \node [gnode] {}; \\
\node [gnode] {B}; & \node [draw=green,fill=black!90,line width=2pt] {}; 
& \node [draw=green,fill=black!90,line width=2pt] {}; & \node [draw=green,fill=black!90,line width=2pt] {}; \\
\node [gnode] {C}; & \node [draw=blue,fill=black!90,line width=2pt] {}; & \node [gnode] {}; & \node [gnode] {}; \\
\node[above=0pt of mat]  {Customers};
\path (mat.south west) -- (mat.north west)
node[midway,sloped,above]  {Dishes};
\node[dish, label={[red]270:A},
            label={[green]135:B}] {Dish\\ 1};
\node[dish, label={[red]45:A},
            label={[green]270:B}] {Dish\\ 2};
\node[dish, label={[blue]280:C}]{Dish\\ 3};

the compiled picture looks like this:
enter image description here

Why did two columns of matrix got separated?

Best Answer

as starting point:

\documentclass[tikz, border=2pt]{standalone}
\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta, backgrounds, chains, fit, matrix, positioning}

    node distance = 0mm and 12mm,
       start chain = going right,
every label/.style = {draw, thick,
                      minimum size=5mm,
                      inner sep=1pt, outer sep=0pt, label distance=3pt},
      dish/.style = {circle, draw, line width=3pt, minimum size=24mm,
                     align=center, on chain},
         M/.style = {draw=#1, rounded corners,
                     fill=#1!80, anchor=center},
         F/.style = {fill=gray!20, rounded corners, inner sep=1pt},
             font = \sffamily
\node[dish, label={[red]270:A},
            label={[green]135:B}] {Dish\\ 1};
\node[dish, label={[red]45:A},
            label={[black]270:B}] {Dish\\ 2};
\node (d)  [dish, label={[red]45:A},
            label={[blue]315:D}] {Dish\\ 3};
\matrix (m) [right=22mm of d,
             matrix of nodes,
             nodes={minimum size=5mm, anchor=center},
             column sep=4pt, row sep=1pt]
{~}  &   1           &   2           &   3           \\
A   & |[M=black]|   & |[M=black]|   & |[M=gray]|    \\ 
B   & |[M=black]|   & |[M=black]|   & |[M=black]|   \\
C   & |[M=red]|     & |[M=blue]|    & |[M=gray]|    \\    
\begin{scope}[on background layer]
\node[F,fit=(m-1-1.west |- m-1-2.north) (m-4-1)] {};
\node[F,fit=(m-1-2) (m-4-2)] {};
\node[F,fit=(m-1-3) (m-4-3)] {};
\node[F,fit=(m-1-4) (m-4-4)] {};
\draw[ultra thick, loosely dotted, shorten <=7.5mm, shorten >=7.5mm] (d) -- (m);
\node[above=of m] {Dishes};
\node[above,rotate=90] at (m.west) {Costumers};

enter image description here