[Tex/LaTex] Drawing an “encoder–decoder architecture” in TikZ


I am trying to draw the encoder–decoder architecture of the ACL'16 tutorial in TikZ (pp. 15 of the linked PDF).

enter image description here

However, I am absolutely lost as to how to

  • Make things "flow" along the same line vertically, and
  • Adjust the sizes of the trapeziums and the rectangle in the middle.

Some of the stuff I've tried:

  \node[trapezium, draw, rotate=270] (encoder) {Encoder};
  \node[left=of encoder.center] (input) {Input text};
  \draw[->] (input) -- (encoder);
  \node[rectangle, draw, right=of encoder.center] {\begin{tabular}{S}-0.2 \\ -0.1 \\ 0.1 \\ 0.4 \\ -0.3 \\ 1.1\end{tabular}};

I would say it is an OK-ish way to go, but I do not know how to align the side of the trapezium to that of the rectangle, and I think that the way I'm centering things vertically is cumbersome.

Best Answer

Hope this helps

The output

enter image description here

The code

  myTrapezium/.pic =
    \draw [fill=magenta!50] (0,0) -- (0,\b) -- (\a,\c) -- (\a,-\c) -- (0,-\b) -- cycle ;
    \coordinate (-center) at (\a/2,0);
    \coordinate (-out) at (\a,0);
    line width=2mm, 
    shorten >=2pt, 
    shorten <=2pt, 
    \def\a{3}  % width of trapezium
    \def\b{.9} % small height of trapezium
    \def\c{2}  % tall height of trapezium

  node distance=1mm, % space between drawn parts
  every node/.style={align=center},

  \node (middleThing) 
    %minimum width=1cm,
    minimum height=2*\b cm,
  {\begin{tabular}{r}-0.2 \\ -0.1 \\ 0.1 \\ 0.4 \\ -0.3 \\ 1.1\end{tabular}};
  \pic (right)[right=of middleThing.east] {myTrapezium} ;
  \pic (left)[left=of middleThing.west, rotate=180] {myTrapezium} ;
  \node at (right-center) {Decoder} ;
  \node at (left-center) {Encoder};
  \node at (right-center) {Decoder} ;

  \coordinate (u) at (\d,0);
  \draw [myArrows] (right-out) -- ++(u) node [anchor=west] {Translated\\text};
  \draw [myArrows] ($(left-out)-(u)$) node [anchor=east] {Input\\text} -- ++(u) ;
