[Tex/LaTex] Drawing a graph with small vertices


I used tikz to draw a digraph as follows –

 \begin{tikzpicture}[roundnode/.style={circle, draw=black!60, very thick,minimum size=4mm}]
            \node[roundnode]      (u1)                     {$u_1$};
            \node[roundnode]      (u2)       [right=of u1] {$u_2$};
            \node[roundnode]      (u3)       [below right=of u2] {$u_3$};
            \node[roundnode]      (u4)       [below left =of u3] {$u_4$};
            \node[roundnode]      (u5)       [left =of u4] {$u_5$};
            \node[roundnode]      (u6)       [below left =of u1] {$u_6$};

            \draw[->] (u2) -- (u5);
            \draw[->] (u2) -- (u6);
            \draw[->] (u3) -- (u5);
            \draw[->] (u3) -- (u6);
            \draw[->] (u4) -- (u5);
            \draw[->] (u4) -- (u6); 

This gives

enter image description here

However I want the nodes to be small dots with the vertex labelled next to it.

Can someone help me with this?

Thank you.

Best Answer

Like this?

enter image description here

\usetikzlibrary{positioning, fit}

\begin{tikzpicture}[roundnode/.style={circle, fill=black!60, inner sep=0pt, minimum size=4mm}]

    \foreach \i [count=\ni] in {120, 60, ..., -180}
        \node[roundnode, label=\i:{$u_\ni$}] at (\i:2cm) (u\ni) {};

            \draw[->] (u2) -- (u5);
            \draw[->] (u2) -- (u6);
            \draw[->] (u3) -- (u5);
            \draw[->] (u3) -- (u6);
            \draw[->] (u4) -- (u5);
            \draw[->] (u4) -- (u6); 