[Tex/LaTex] Drawing a circle with nodes shift with Tikz


I am newby in Tikz and want to draw a circle with on it 16 circle-shaped nodes.
Each slide increment would shift to the next node rightward or leftward ( an example with both should be fine), while highlighting it (the highlight should be about the current position/node).
Anybody could help me achieving this ?
An example of the drawing is attached :

enter image description here

Thank you

EDIT : This is a good start but i need circle shaped nodes not text with one node each time hightlighted (colored with blue) (the current position) and node shift could be right or left :


\foreach \a in {1,2,...,17}{
\draw (\a*360/17: 4cm) node{angle \a};

Best Answer

I think something like this is what you're after.

% define a counter
% macro to hold a color name
% set up an animation, \CircNum changes from 1 to 17
% with each frame
% draw the main circle
\node [circle, draw, minimum size=8cm] (c) {};

\foreach \a in {1,2,...,17}{
   % if \a is equal to \CircNum, set the color to blue
   % otherwise set it to black
   % make a new node for the small circles
   \node[\Clr, % with the color defined by the macro
         draw, thick, % draw the outline
         fill, % fill it
         minimum size=5mm, % set the size
         circle, % circular shape
         label={[\Clr]\a*360/17+180:\a} % add the number on the inside
         ] at (c.\a*360/17) % position it on the edge of the main circle

Here are the first three slides of the PDF:

enter image description here