[Tex/LaTex] Draw a tree with variable node number


I would like to draw a tree in tex that is more like a sketch of a tree: It should contain variable node numbers.

enter image description here

Important is, that the dots are contained in the tree drawn. Is that possible with an automated command?

You see, since my painting skills are limitated I don't want to use TikZ and simply add the nodes this tree contains. I would like to say: Here is my structure, draw it for me. All I found is drawing trees with complete defined nodes.


Without any style definitions here is a minimal example of what I thought about:



\tikzstyle{every node} = [rectangle,
                text centered,
                rounded corners]

    \begin{tikzpicture}         [sibling distance=8cm]

    \node {Document}
        child {
            [sibling distance=2cm]
            node (p1) {Paragraph}
            child {
                node (e11) {Element}
                child {
                    node {AttributeSet}
            child {
                node (e1n) {Element}
                child {
                    node {AttributeSet}
            child {
                node {AttributeSet}
        child {
            [sibling distance=2cm]
            [sibling distance=2cm]
            [sibling distance=2cm]
            node (pn) {Paragraph}
            child {
                node (en1) {Element}
                child {
                    node {AttributeSet}
            child {
                node (enn) {Element}
                child {
                    node {AttributeSet}
            child {
                node {AttributeSet}

    \path[draw,dashed] (p1)--(pn);
    \path[draw,dashed] (e11)--(e1n);
    \path[draw,dashed] (en1)--(enn);


I would prefer the dashed line to be just three/four dots.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Perhaps I don't understand the question...

Without TikZ but with pict2e; you need something to draw nice straight lines, here a code. If you want to automate the drawing, you can create some macros with dimensions for the arguments. It's easy to build a macro to place a circle and the label.

    \put(\numexpr #1 +5\relax,\numexpr #2 +5\relax){#3}

    % \put(120,75){\circle*{5}} 


    %  \put(105,105){$A$}   

enter image description here