[Tex/LaTex] Draw a binary tree using tikz


I'm trying to draw a binary tree using tikz package.

If I use only circle, I get a tree. But I want to represent a subtree using a triangle. Now the tree gets uneven. I want to attach the arrows to the top of the triangle and also want the size of the triangle comparable to the size of the circle.

    treenode/.style = {circle, draw=black, align=center, minimum size=1cm},
    subtree/.style  = {isosceles triangle, draw=black, align=center, minimum height=0.5cm, minimum width=1cm, shape border rotate=90, anchor=north}

\caption{An illustration of a simple delete operation. \label{fig:simple}}
    \begin{tikzpicture}[->,>=stealth',level/.style={sibling distance = 5cm/#1,
    level distance = 1.5cm},scale=0.6, transform shape]
    \node [treenode] {$X$ \\ 100}
        node [treenode] {$Y$ \\ 50} 
            node [treenode] {$Z$ \\ 40} 
                node [treenode] {$S1$ \\ 30} 
                node [treenode] {$S2$ \\ 60} 
            node [subtree] {$Z$ \\ 200} 
        node [subtree] {$Z$ \\ 200} 


Best Answer

  1. With the OP's current setting the circles and triangles are of comparable size as long as the text is not written into the subtree nodes. So a possible solution is to write the text later after the drawing is done. This is shown by the last 2 lines of codes.

  2. To have the arrows pointing to the tip of a triangle, the following line is added to the corresponding parent nodes

    edge from parent path ={(\tikzparentnode.-50) -- (\tikzchildnode.north)} % -50 is adjustable.

  3. If the triangles are still incomparable, one can write scale=0.9 into the subtree style for shrinking adjustment.

enter image description here


\usepackage[paper size={10cm,8cm}]{geometry}
    treenode/.style = {circle, draw=black, align=center, minimum size=1cm},
    subtree/.style  = {isosceles triangle, draw=black, align=center, minimum height=0.5cm, minimum width=1cm, shape border rotate=90, anchor=north}

\caption{An illustration of a simple delete operation. \label{fig:simple}}
    \begin{tikzpicture}[->,>=stealth', level/.style={sibling distance = 5cm/#1, level distance = 1.5cm}, scale=0.6,transform shape]
    \node [treenode] {$X$ \\ 100}
        node [treenode] {$Y$ \\ 50} 
            node [treenode] {$Z$ \\ 40} 
                node [treenode] {$S1$ \\ 30} 
                node [treenode] {$S2$ \\ 60} 
        child[edge from parent path ={(\tikzparentnode.-50) -- (\tikzchildnode.north)}]
            node [subtree,yshift=0.4cm] (a) {}   % delay the text till later
    child[edge from parent path ={(\tikzparentnode.-30) -- (\tikzchildnode.north)}]
        node [subtree,yshift=0.4cm] (b) {}       % delay the text till later
% ------------------------------------------------ put the text into subtree nodes
\node[align=center,yshift=0.1cm] at (a) {$Z$\\200};
\node[align=center,yshift=0.1cm] at (b) {$Z$\\200};