[Tex/LaTex] dotted arrow in tikzpicture


I drew the following commutative diagram with tikz (I can't use tikz-cd since it's not on my version of LaTeX ; I tried to install it but doesn't seem to work)


        \node (X) at (1,1){$X$};
        \node (A) at (0,0){$A$};
        \node (B) at (2,0){$B$};
        \node (axb) at (1,0){$A \times B$};
        \path[->,font=\scriptsize,>=angle 90]
        (axb) edge node[below]{$x_1$} (A)
        (axb) edge node[below]{$p_B$} (B)
        (X) edge node[above]{$p_A$} (A)
        (X) edge node[above]{$p_B$} (B)
        (X) edge node[left]{$w$} (axb);

I need the w arrow to be dotted, how can I do that ?

Best Answer

Edit: doted line was solved by AboAmar comment slightly before my answer ... so I add some of topic issues. With use of the library \quotes you can make your code more concise and also gives better positioning of edge labels:

\documentclass[tikz, margin=3mm]{standalone}

\node (X) at (1,1){$X$};
\node (A) at (0,0){$A$};
\node (B) at (2,0){$B$};
\node (axb) at (1,0){$A \times B$};
\path[-angle 90,font=\scriptsize]
(axb) edge ["$x_1$"]   (A)
(axb) edge ["$p_B$" '] (B)
(X) edge   edge ["$p_A$" '] (A)
(X)   edge ["$p_B$"]   (B)
(X)   edge[dotted,% <-- added
                  "$w$" '] (axb);

![enter image description here