[Tex/LaTex] Different vertical spacing between paragraphs


I sometimes get annoying weird spaces in my latex and I dont know how to fix them. these are my global variables. I cannot paste my code unless someone tells me how I can convert all text into random characters. Using this template https://www2.securecms.com/ICIP2017/Papers/PaperKit.html#Templates

\usepackage[usenames, dvipsnames]{color}

the texts that give error. I am not using any functions or local variables. They are all texts.

Many lines of text. LIDAR sensors that provide a 3D map of the environment around the vehicle are unequivocally more powerful than a single stereo-pair.

Despite these attractive features, the use of LIDAR sensors are still...

    \caption{The workflow of our object proposal algorithm.}

Many lines of text. Here, we briefly review works that will be used as a baseline for comparison.

In the Selective Search (SS) algorithm \cite{selectivesearch}, pixels analyzed

enter image description here

Best Answer

LaTeX treats text on a page very differently according to its spacing options. Some classes want LaTeX to fill out the white space on a page best possible, others want it to just keep the text where it is.

The two main options are:

  • \flushbottom: in-/decreases text spacing as needed to fill page,
  • \raggedbottom: there is no "correction" of text spacing

You will need option \raggedbottom to ensure that paragraph spacing is equal at all points (and on all pages).

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