[Tex/LaTex] Creating a seamless XOR symbol as node


I want to have a XOR node in my TikZ diagram, but couldn't find any available symbol, therefore made one myself, but I am not very happy with it.
I used the example from how to draw XOR gate symbol as a node in tikz? as basis.

\tikzstyle{XOR} = [draw,circle]

And use it as follows:

 \node [XOR] {\large +};

However, there is always a padding around the +. I want the + to 'connect' with the circle.

Here my MWE:


\tikzstyle{XOR} = [draw,circle]
\tikzstyle{line}    = [draw, -latex']

\begin{tikzpicture}[auto,>=latex', scale = 1, transform shape]
    \tikzstyle{line}=[draw, -latex']

    \node (XOR-aa)[XOR] {\large +};

    \node [above of=XOR-aa,node distance=1.5cm,text width=1.5cm,anchor=south,align=center] (bla) {Bla};

    \node [right of=XOR-aa,node distance=3cm,text width=1.5cm,anchor=east,align=center] (Blob) {Blob};

    \node [left of=XOR-aa,node distance=3cm,text width=1.5cm,anchor=west,align=center] (blubb) {Blubb};

    \path[line] (XOR-aa) edge (Blob)
                (bla) edge (XOR-aa)
                (blubb) edge (XOR-aa);

Best Answer

The best idea I think is to define the XOR in such a way that automatically the + sign is inside the circle. One possibility is:

\tikzset{XOR/.style={draw,circle,append after command={
        [shorten >=\pgflinewidth, shorten <=\pgflinewidth,]
        (\tikzlastnode.north) edge (\tikzlastnode.south)
        (\tikzlastnode.east) edge (\tikzlastnode.west)

The complete example:


\tikzset{XOR/.style={draw,circle,append after command={
        [shorten >=\pgflinewidth, shorten <=\pgflinewidth,]
        (\tikzlastnode.north) edge (\tikzlastnode.south)
        (\tikzlastnode.east) edge (\tikzlastnode.west)
\tikzset{line/.style={draw, -latex',shorten <=1bp,shorten >=1bp}}


    \node (XOR-aa)[XOR,scale=1.2] {};

    \node [above of=XOR-aa,node distance=1.5cm,text width=1.5cm,anchor=south,align=center] (bla) {Bla};

    \node [right of=XOR-aa,node distance=3cm,text width=1.5cm,anchor=east,align=center] (Blob) {Blob};

    \node [left of=XOR-aa,node distance=3cm,text width=1.5cm,anchor=west,align=center] (blubb) {Blubb};

    \path[line] (XOR-aa) edge (Blob)
                (bla) edge (XOR-aa)
                (blubb) edge (XOR-aa);

Notice in particular how the line is defined:

\tikzset{line/.style={draw, -latex',shorten <=1bp,shorten >=1bp}}

The shorten allows that the arrows does not touch the XOR: without this, a departing arrow could be confused with the the +.

The result is:

enter image description here

The approach allows to scale the XOR symbol very easily without problems; for example using:

\node (XOR-aa)[XOR,scale=2.5] {};

in the previous MWE leads to:

enter image description here