TikZ – Creating Complex Venn Diagrams


Further to my question on Venn diagrams overlapping color filling, I have the following MWE:

\def\firstcircle{(0,0) circle (2.0cm)}
\def\secondcircle{(360:3.5cm) circle (2.0cm)}
    \fill[style=shade, top color=white, bottom color=brown!80!black!20][black] \firstcircle;
    \fill[style=shade, top color=white, bottom color=cyan!80!black!20 ][black] \secondcircle;
    \draw \firstcircle node{\textsc{Rules-Based (Passive)}};
    \draw \secondcircle node{\textsc{Bet Against Market Portfolio (Active)}};
     \clip \firstcircle;
  \fill[red][fill opacity=0.6]\secondcircle;

However, instead of output (bottom picture) I want to achieve a Venn-diagram that includes circles and can handle longer text; similar to this (upper picture in blue and purple): How to achieve this?Double Venn

Best Answer

A possible implementation with the new Blend Modes feature from TikZ v. 3.0.0 (see What are the new features in TikZ/pgf 3.0?). This allows to avoid using some clip operation:


\def\firstcircle{(0,0) circle (3.0cm)}
\def\secondcircle{(360:3.5cm) circle (3.0cm)}
\begin{tikzpicture}[blend group=screen]
\begin{scope}[fill opacity=0.3,text opacity=1,white,align=center,text width=2.5cm]
    \draw[fill=blue!50!cyan!60!black] \firstcircle 
    node[shift={(-.75,1)},text=blue!50!cyan!60!black]{\textsc{Rules-Based (Passive)}};
    \draw[fill=violet!60!red] \secondcircle 
    node[shift={(.75,1)},text=violet!60!red]{\textsc{Bet Against Market Portfolio (Active)}};
    \node[text=white] at (1.65,0){\textsc{Strategic Beta}};
    \begin{scope}[scale=0.8,transform shape,align=center,white,fill opacity=1]% little circles
     node[text width=2.25cm,text=white] {\textsc{Market-Cap\\ Weighted}};

     node[text width=2.25cm,text=white] {\textsc{Actively\\ Managed}};


The result:

enter image description here