[Tex/LaTex] Change “Theorem” to “Věta” in beamer


I tried to use \uselanguage{Czech}\languagepath{Czech} as suggested in Babel (French) does not translate the theorem environment in Beamer class, but I still get "Theorem" instead of "Věta" for my theorem. How can I teach beamer the Czech words? And can I submit the language mutations to CTAN somehow to make the widely available?


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Best Answer

There is no Czech dictionary provided along with the translator subpackage of Beamer, so you need to help it; the proof name is changed, because babel knows about \proofname.





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enter image description here

I then copied translator-theorem-dictionary-English.dict to translator-theorem-dictionary-Czech.dict in the current directory and changed the relevant line, obtaining the desired result even after removing the \deftranslation line, because the file was read, as shown by


in the log file.