[Tex/LaTex] Bibtex JabRef and moderncv


I am trying to create my cv using moderncv class. Everything look fine until the publication section. I have a publication database under the title "publications.bib" that is created in JabRef. I want to use import the publications included in this database in my cv. I tried to modify the plainyr.bst file like here Sorted list of publications in moderncv from bibtex but did not work, apparently it leaves the section empty. Here is a MWE:






Even when I don't use the .bib and work just like in the first answer of the above link, having:


  author = {Author, A.},
  journal = {Good Journal},
  year = {2001},
  title = {Alpha},





In the pdf file, I get just printed the section "Publications" and nothing is included in that. However, a .bib file is created that has the entry of the article.

Any idea?

Best Answer

I found what the problem was. Everytime I change the .bib file, I have to change into the .aux file the line that defines the style \bibstyle{moderncv} to \bibstyle{plainyr}. Then I compile the .bib file and then I create the pdf. Everything works fine!