[Tex/LaTex] Bibliography title fontsize problem with BibTeX and the natbib package


I'm trying to change the fontsize of the Bibliography title to a normal size but I can't do it.

I already try (without results):


\let\chapter=\section %works, but all the other section titles changes too and it's a mess


% this last one show an error
\titleformat{\chapter} {\normalfont\tiny\filcenter\bfseries}{}{}{}
\titlespacing*{\chapter} {0pt}{60pt}{18pt}
\chapter*{ \bibname \markboth{\bibname}{\bibname}%

Also, this others commands to change the title name are not working (I want NEW TITLE instaed of New Title):

\renewcommand\bibname{New Title}
\renewcommand\refname{New Title}
\addto\captionsngerman{\renewcommand{\refname}{New Title}}

Here is a minimal example of my code:


 Bla bla bla
 \section{bla bla}
 Bla bla bla

 \bibliographystyle{my style}
 \bibliography{my bib}


Best Answer

Here's one possible solution, using a redefinition of \bibsection, as Marco Daniel suggested in his answer:

    author  = "Oren Patashnik",
    title   = "{BibTeX}ing.  {D}ocumentation for General {BibTeX} users",
    year    = "1988",
    howpublished = "Electronic document accompanying BibTeX distribution"


\newcommand\mybibname{New Title}


 Bla bla bla
 \section{bla bla}
 Bla bla bla




The code before \documentclass in my example code is just to provide you with a ready to use .bib file so you can simply copy-paste my code as it is and process it in the usual way using (pdf)latex+bibtex+(pdf)latex+(pdf)latex and see the result.