I'm writing a document in Hebrew, but my references are entirely in English. Because of issues with text alignment in RTL languages, the bibliography is contained in an English block:
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{ביבליוגרפיה} %Ideally this will be removed when a solution is found
Even so, because the document is in Hebrew, the title of the bibliography needs to be right-aligned and manually set to be in Hebrew. If I remove the \begin{english}
block, the bibliography title is correctly formatted fits Hebrew (I assume this is the work of polyglossia), but the references themselves are badly muddled up – punctuation in particular is ruined entirely.
I imagine the solution will either be to render the bibliography without the title and add it in manually or to override whatever it is polyglossia does to change the bibliography title. I have found no way to do either.
% Compiled with XeLaTeX
\renewcommand{\bibname}{ביבליוגרפיה} % Swap bibliography title to Hebrew
לורם איפסום דולור סיט אמת
% Bibliography:
\clearpage %This replaces the page break at the start of the bibliography
\begin{english} % Insert the bibliography in English
Best Answer
Yes, there definitely is an easier way to change the bibliography heading for