[Tex/LaTex] Change title fontsize and abstract fontsize


I want to write an article with fontsize 11pt. I have problem to change fontsize of title is 14pt and abstract fontsize 9pt.

This is my code :

\usepackage[left=3.00cm, right=2.00cm, bottom=2.00cm, top=2.00cm]{geometry}






\textbf{TITLE, I WANT FONTSIZE 14pt}\\\vspace{0.3cm}
\textbf{Full name}\\\vspace{0.3cm}
\textit{e-mail: \textcolor{blue}{\underline{.....@yahoo.com}}}
\textbf{\textit{Abstract.}} I want abstract's fontsize 9pt\\ \\
\textit{\textbf{Keywords}: blabla1,blabla2.}
hello hello hello
\section{SECTION TWO}\vspace{-0.45cm}
    theorem ...


and this is the result :
enter image description here

How to change fontsize of title and abstract?

Best Answer

The preamble is really a mess and also produces errors. Start with a minimal one and add only the packages you really need.

\usepackage[left=3.00cm, right=2.00cm, bottom=2.00cm, top=2.00cm]{geometry}


\usepackage{newtxtext,newtxmath} % not times



% change the abstract
  \textbf{\textit{\abstractname.}} % with a normal space

\textbf{TITLE, I WANT FONTSIZE 14pt}



\textbf{Full name}




\textit{e-mail: \textcolor{blue}{\underline{.....@yahoo.com}}}

I want abstract's fontsize 9pt


\textit{\textbf{Keywords}: blabla1,blabla2.}


hello hello hello

\section{SECTION TWO}

hello hello hello


    theorem ...


If you want less space after the section titles, act with \titlespacing, not with manual \vspace after them.

enter image description here

The settings \tolerance=1 and \hyphenpenalty=10000 just make for huge interword spaces and very low quality typesetting.