[Tex/LaTex] biblatex: List of publications in the CV


I am writing my CV using the article class. How can I list my journal publications and conference presentations each in a separate section? I saved my publication in the .bib database.

Best Answer

Assuming that the tag you have set is correct (you are using biblatex) you should not use multibib or other packages, which are not compatible. It can all be done within biblatex. The basic method is as follows:

Instead of a simple \printbibliography command, you enter \printbibliography[] The optional command (which I have shown with []) limits that bibliography to a particular sub-category of materials: here you put one of the filtering commands described below.

Of course, you then have to tell the package what category to use. For that you use one of the following instructions.

  • type= will include only works of a certain entry type, e.g. type=book will include only books. You can only have one type instruction: type=book, type=article will not work. (This is common to all the examples that follow: you can have only one inclusive instruction, but more than one exclusion. If you want complex tests, you need to set up a custom bibfilter.
  • nottype= will exclude all works in the given type, e.g. nottype=book will exclude all books. You can have more than one nottype instruction. nottype=book, nottype=article will exclude both books and articles.
  • keyword= will include works based on whether a keyword (which can be anything) has been set in your .bib file. For instance, in your .bib file you could put keywords = {important} by things you thought were especially important; then you could print a bibliography of just the "important" works with \printbibliography[keyword=important].
  • notkeyword= will exclude works based on whether a keyword (which can be anything) has been set in your .bib file.
  • category= will include works based on whether you have assigned the work to a category in your .tex file. To do that you first set up a category with \DeclareBibliographyCategory{} in your preamble, and then assign works (by their key) using \addtocategory{category}{key} in the document. Basically this serves a similar function to keywords, but it lets you set them in your .tex source rather than your .bib file, so they can be document specific.
  • notcategory= will exclude works based on whether you have assigned them to a category.
  • Finally, if you have complex needs you can set up a custom filter, using \defbibfilter which lets you combine various tests using and, or and not, which are covered extensively in the biblatex documentation (3.6.7).

You may also want to adjust the titles used. Usually, you want something like:

\printbibheading% <- Prints "References"


The title option controls what is printed. The heading option controls the formatting (in this case to print as a sub-heading, in effect).

So, in your case, you will want to work out how to identify articles and conference papers. You may be able to map those simply to entrytypes, such as article and inproceedings, or you may need to use keywords (if, for instance, some of your conference papers have the article type in your .bib file). Then simply use \nocite{*} to make all the references available for typesetting and then produce two (or more) filtered bibliographies using one of the filters above.

The alternative way of dividing bibliographies uses refsections and refsegments. It is rather intended for cases where you want to produce bibliographies for different parts of a document (e.g. for each chapter separately), than for bibliographies that are divided by topic.