Biblatex-APA Undefined References – How to Fix


I cannot, for the life of me, get biblatex's apa style to work. Other biblatex styles work fine, apa, however, does neither print a reference list, nor produce a citation at all (single output is key in boldprint). Warning "undefined references" is produced.

\usepackage[german, ngerman]{babel}
\usepackage[style=apa, backend=biber]{biblatex}


    Address = {Philadelphia},
    Author = {William Labov},
    Publisher = {University of Pennsylvania Press},
    Title = {Sociolinguistic Patterns},
    Year = {1972}}



Bla \cite{Labov1972}



I run the newest version available of all packages.
Can someone help, please? Am I just overlooking the obvious?

Best Answer

This is a bug in biblatex 1.7 and the \RequireBiber[3] setting it appears. This was changed in biblatex-apa style 4.5. You can change the apa.bbx file to \RequireBiber[2] to fix it. I have released version 4.6 of the style with this setting and it should be in TL today.

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