[Tex/LaTex] Bent paths via relative point from node to node


I'm trying to draw a network flow diagram in tikz, and am having some problems.

Here is what I have so far:
Current diagram

However I'm having 2 problems with it currently. First of all, for some reason, arrow appear at both ends of my lines if I specify an anchor of my source node. If you look carefully at the picture, you can see some arcs have arrows at both ends. All arcs should be point left to right only.

For example (h1) edge [bend left=15] (1_1) will give an arrow only at the end, as I expect; however (h1.east) edge [bend left=15] (1_1) will put an arrow on both sides.

The second problem is that I need additional arcs that are longer and should avoid the existing arcs and nodes. Like this:

Extra arcs

Here is my code so far:

    \node [pattern=north east lines, circle, draw, inner sep=0.25cm] at (0,0) (h1);

    \node [circle, draw, inner sep=0.075cm, fill=blue,  fill opacity=0.33, text opacity=1] at (1.5,1.5) (1_1) { 1:1 };
    \node [circle, draw, inner sep=0.075cm, fill=green, fill opacity=0.33, text opacity=1] at (1.5,0) (2_1) { 2:1 };
    \node [circle, draw, inner sep=0.075cm, fill=red,   fill opacity=0.33, text opacity=1] at (1.5,-1.5) (3_1) { 3:1 };

    \node [pattern=north east lines, circle, draw, inner sep=0.25cm] at (3,0) (h2);

    \node [circle, draw, inner sep=0.075cm, fill=orange, fill opacity=0.33, text opacity=1] at (4.5,0.75) (4_1) { 4:1 };
    \node [circle, draw, inner sep=0.075cm, fill=orange, fill opacity=0.33, text opacity=1] at (6.0,0.75) (4_2) { 4:2 };
    \node [circle, draw, inner sep=0.075cm, fill=purple, fill opacity=0.33, text opacity=1] at (4.5,-0.75) (5_1) { 5:1 };
    \node [circle, draw, inner sep=0.075cm, fill=purple, fill opacity=0.33, text opacity=1] at (6.0,-0.75) (5_2) { 5:2 };

    \node [pattern=north east lines, circle, draw, inner sep=0.25cm] at (7.5,0) (h3);

    \node [circle, draw, inner sep=0.075cm, fill=teal,  fill opacity=0.33, text opacity=1] at (9.0,0.75) (6_1) { 6:1 };
    \node [circle, draw, inner sep=0.075cm, fill=teal,  fill opacity=0.33, text opacity=1] at (10.5,0.75) (6_2) { 6:2 };
    \node [circle, draw, inner sep=0.075cm, fill=olive, fill opacity=0.33, text opacity=1] at (9.75,-0.75) (7_1) { 7:1 };

    \node [pattern=north east lines, circle, draw, inner sep=0.25cm] at (12,0)   (h4);
    \node [pattern=north east lines, circle, draw, inner sep=0.25cm] at (13.5,0) (h5);

    \draw [->] (0.333,-2.5) -- (13.3335,-2.5) node [midway, below] {Time};

    \path [line, ->] (h1) edge [bend left=15] (1_1);
    \path [line, ->] (h1) edge (2_1);
    \path [line, ->] (h1) edge [bend right=15] (3_1);
    \path [line, ->] (1_1) edge [bend left=15] (h2);
    \path [line, ->] (2_1) edge (h2);
    \path [line, ->] (3_1) edge [bend right=15] (h2);
    \path [line, ->] (h2.20) edge [bend left=15] (4_1);
    \path [line, ->] (h2.-20) edge [bend right=15] (5_1);
    \path [line, ->] (4_1) -- (4_2);
    \path [line, ->] (5_1) -- (5_2);
    \path [line, ->] (4_2) edge [bend left=15] (h3.160);
    \path [line, ->] (5_2) edge [bend right=15] (h3.200);
    \path [line, ->] (h3) edge [bend left=15] (6_1);
    \path [line, ->] (h3) edge [bend right=15] (7_1);
    \path [line, ->] (6_1) -- (6_2);
    \path [line, ->] (6_2) edge [bend left=15] (h4);
    \path [line, ->] (7_1) edge [bend right=15] (h4);
    \path [line, ->] (h4) -- (h5);

    \path [line, ->] (h2.60) edge [bend left=60] (4_2.north west);
    \path [line, ->] (h2.-60) edge [bend right=60] (5_2.south west);
    \path [line, ->] (4_1.north east) edge [bend left=60] (h3.120);
    \path [line, ->] (5_1.south east) edge [bend right=60] (h3.240);
    \path [line, ->] (h3.0) edge [bend right=15] (6_2.south west);
    \path [line, ->] (6_1.south east) edge [bend right=15] (h4.180);

    \path [line, ->] (4_1) -- (5_2);
    \path [line, ->] (5_1) -- (4_2);

    \draw [decorate, decoration={brace, amplitude=8pt, raise=8pt}] (0.2, 2)  -- (2.8, 2)  node [midway, above, yshift=0.5cm] {Day 1};
    \draw [decorate, decoration={brace, amplitude=8pt, raise=8pt}] (3.2, 2)  -- (7.3, 2)  node [midway, above, yshift=0.5cm] {Day 2};
    \draw [decorate, decoration={brace, amplitude=8pt, raise=8pt}] (7.7, 2)  -- (11.8, 2) node [midway, above, yshift=0.5cm] {Day 3};
    \draw [decorate, decoration={brace, amplitude=8pt, raise=8pt}] (12.2, 2) -- (13.3, 2) node [midway, above, yshift=0.5cm] {Day 4};

Best Answer

tikzstyle is deprecated. Use \tikzset instead like


to define a line style. You are also using \path[line, ->] which results in modifying the line style. Use \path[line] instead. To change the extent of bending you can adjust the looseness value with in and out angles like

\path [-latex'] (h1.north) edge [out=90,in=90,bend angle=180,looseness=2](h2.north);

Further, the nodes should have an empty argument {}

\node [pattern=north east lines, circle, draw, inner sep=0.25cm] at (0,0) (h1) {};   %% note the {} at the end

which is missing in your code. Putting all these your code becomes

    \node [pattern=north east lines, circle, draw, inner sep=0.25cm] at (0,0) (h1) {};

    \node [circle, draw, inner sep=0.075cm, fill=blue,  fill opacity=0.33, text opacity=1] at (1.5,1.5) (1_1) { 1:1 };
    \node [circle, draw, inner sep=0.075cm, fill=green, fill opacity=0.33, text opacity=1] at (1.5,0) (2_1) { 2:1 };
    \node [circle, draw, inner sep=0.075cm, fill=red,   fill opacity=0.33, text opacity=1] at (1.5,-1.5) (3_1) { 3:1 };

    \node [pattern=north east lines, circle, draw, inner sep=0.25cm] at (3,0) (h2) {};

    \node [circle, draw, inner sep=0.075cm, fill=orange, fill opacity=0.33, text opacity=1] at (4.5,0.75) (4_1) { 4:1 };
    \node [circle, draw, inner sep=0.075cm, fill=orange, fill opacity=0.33, text opacity=1] at (6.0,0.75) (4_2) { 4:2 };
    \node [circle, draw, inner sep=0.075cm, fill=purple, fill opacity=0.33, text opacity=1] at (4.5,-0.75) (5_1) { 5:1 };
    \node [circle, draw, inner sep=0.075cm, fill=purple, fill opacity=0.33, text opacity=1] at (6.0,-0.75) (5_2) { 5:2 };

    \node [pattern=north east lines, circle, draw, inner sep=0.25cm] at (7.5,0) (h3) {};

    \node [circle, draw, inner sep=0.075cm, fill=teal,  fill opacity=0.33, text opacity=1] at (9.0,0.75) (6_1) { 6:1 };
    \node [circle, draw, inner sep=0.075cm, fill=teal,  fill opacity=0.33, text opacity=1] at (10.5,0.75) (6_2) { 6:2 };
    \node [circle, draw, inner sep=0.075cm, fill=olive, fill opacity=0.33, text opacity=1] at (9.75,-0.75) (7_1) { 7:1 };

    \node [pattern=north east lines, circle, draw, inner sep=0.25cm] at (12,0)   (h4) {};
    \node [pattern=north east lines, circle, draw, inner sep=0.25cm] at (13.5,0) (h5) {};

    \draw [line] (0.333,-2.5) -- (13.3335,-2.5) node [midway, below] {Time};

    \path [line] (h1) edge [bend left=15] (1_1);
    \path [line] (h1) edge (2_1);
    \path [line] (h1) edge [bend right=15] (3_1);
    \path [line] (1_1) edge [bend left=15] (h2);
    \path [line] (2_1) edge (h2);
    \path [line] (3_1) edge [bend right=15] (h2);
    \path [line] (h2.20) edge [bend left=15] (4_1);
    \path [line] (h2.-20) edge [bend right=15] (5_1);
    \path [line] (4_1) -- (4_2);
    \path [line] (5_1) -- (5_2);
    \path [line] (4_2) edge [bend left=15] (h3.160);
    \path [line] (5_2) edge [bend right=15] (h3.200);
    \path [line] (h3) edge [bend left=15] (6_1);
    \path [line] (h3) edge [bend right=15] (7_1);
    \path [line] (6_1) -- (6_2);
    \path [line] (6_2) edge [bend left=15] (h4);
    \path [line] (7_1) edge [bend right=15] (h4);
    \path [line] (h4) -- (h5);

    \path [line] (h2.60) edge [bend left=60] (4_2.north west);
    \path [line] (h2.-60) edge [bend right=60] (5_2.south west);
    \path [line] (4_1.north east) edge [bend left=60] (h3.120);
    \path [line] (5_1.south east) edge [bend right=60] (h3.240);
    \path [line] (h3.0) edge [bend right=15] (6_2.south west);
    \path [line] (6_1.south east) edge [bend right=15] (h4.180);

    \path [line] (4_1) -- (5_2);
    \path [line] (5_1) -- (4_2);

    %% lines with more bend
    \path [line] (h1.north) edge [out=90,in=90,bend angle=180,looseness=2](h2.north);
    \path [line] (h2.south) edge [out=270,in=270,bend angle=180,looseness=1.3](h3.south);
    \path [line] (h3.70) edge [controls=+(80:2) and +(100:2)](h4.120);    %% just to show another way
    \path [line] (h4.east) edge (h5.west);

    \draw [decorate, decoration={brace, amplitude=8pt, raise=8pt}] (0.2, 2)  -- (2.8, 2)  node [midway, above, yshift=0.5cm] {Day 1};
    \draw [decorate, decoration={brace, amplitude=8pt, raise=8pt}] (3.2, 2)  -- (7.3, 2)  node [midway, above, yshift=0.5cm] {Day 2};
    \draw [decorate, decoration={brace, amplitude=8pt, raise=8pt}] (7.7, 2)  -- (11.8, 2) node [midway, above, yshift=0.5cm] {Day 3};
    \draw [decorate, decoration={brace, amplitude=8pt, raise=8pt}] (12.2, 2) -- (13.3, 2) node [midway, above, yshift=0.5cm] {Day 4};


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