[Tex/LaTex] Beamer Title Inside Node — Line Break


I am creating my own beamer theme, and the way I have conceived the title page needs the title to be inside a tikzpicture node, in this form:

    \node [anchor=center] (title) at ($(box)+(0,.25)$) {%

It works perfectly until I need to insert long titles and need to break the lines…

If I do:

\title[academic background \& research experience]
  {Academic background \& \\ Research experience}

I get the error:

 ! LaTeX Error: Something's wrong--perhaps a missing \item.

And if I do:

\title[academic background \& research experience]
  {\pbox{20cm}{Academic background \& \\ Research experience}}

I get the warning:

 Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding):
 (hyperref) removing `\pbox '

Does anybody know what is happening here?

EDIT: Please find a MWE below (I have the relevant lines in a .sty file, but adding them inside \mode<presentation>{} works as well)


\mode<presentation> {


    \title[academic background \& research experience]{Academic background \& Research experience}

    \author{Name Surname}

    \setbeamertemplate{title page}{

    \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay, every node/.style={inner sep=0,outer sep=0}]
        \node [rectangle, fill=gray, anchor=north east, minimum width=.86\paperwidth, minimum height=3cm] (box) at (current page.north east){};

        \node [anchor=center] (title) at ($(box)+(0,.25)$) {%

        \node [anchor=west] (author) at ($(title.south west)-(0,.5)$) {%

        \node [anchor=west] (date) at ($(title.south west)-(-.2,2)$) {%


%\frametitle{SCB Departmental WIP - July 2013}
\titlepage % Print the title page as the first slide


Best Answer

Simply pass the align=<value> key to the title node and/or use text width=<length>, so line breaks are allowed.

Here's a little example completing your snippets to a complete example:


\setbeamertemplate{title page}{%
 \node[text width=\textwidth,fill=cyan,minimum height=2cm] at (current page.center) (box) {};
 \node[anchor=center,align=center,text width=\linewidth,font=\color{white}\usebeamerfont{title}] (title) at ($(box)+(0,.25)$) 

\title[academic background \& research experience]{Academic background \& \\ Research experience}




enter image description here

Aldo, modifications to the font of the contents of a node are better done using the font key (as in my example) instead of doing them directly in the node contents (as in your code).