[Tex/LaTex] Beamer, overview of all the subsections of the current section


I would like to get for my beamer presentation, using smoothbars, the overview of all the subsections of my current section. I would like to see the subsections as how the sections look.

\setbeamertemplate{mini frames}{}

I've used the following code but I don't obtain the result :

\setbeamertemplate{subsection in smoothbars}

Can somebody help ?

Best Answer

You can redefine the headline beamer template as defined in beamerouterthemesmoothbars.sty to use \insertsubsectionnavigationhorizontal instead of the default \insertsubsectionhead; something along these lines:

\setbeamertemplate{mini frames}{}

  \begin{beamercolorbox}[ignorebg,ht=2.25ex,dp=3.75ex]{section in head/foot}
      leftskip=.3cm,rightskip=.3cm plus1fil]{subsection in head/foot}
      \usebeamerfont{subsection in head/foot}\insertsubsectionnavigationhorizontal{\dimexpr\paperwidth-0.6cm\relax}{}{}

\section{Test Section One}
\subsection{Test Subsection One One}
\subsection{Test Subsection One Two}
\subsection{Test Subsection One Three}
\section{Test Section Two}
\subsection{Test Subsection Two One}
\subsection{Test Subsection Two Two}
\subsection{Test Subsection Two Three}
\subsection{Test Subsection Two Four}


Some zoomed images showing the headline for some frames in the first and second sections:

enter image description here

enter image description here